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H. Shabahang MD Ghaem Hospital Mashad University of medical science.

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Presentation on theme: "H. Shabahang MD Ghaem Hospital Mashad University of medical science."— Presentation transcript:

1 H. Shabahang MD Ghaem Hospital Mashad University of medical science

2  Scarless surgery is the Holy Grail of surgery and very raisen d’etre of minimal access surgery was reduction of scars and thereby pain and suffering of the patients

3  The work of Muhe and Mouret in late 80s, paved the way for mainstream laparoscopic procedures

4  Single incision laparoscopic surgery is a very exciting new modality in the field of minimal access surgery which work for further reducing the scars of standard laparoscopy and toward scarless surgery

5  Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery ( NOTES ) was developed for scarless surgery, but did not gain popularity due to variety of reasons

6  The lack of success of NOTES seem to have spurred on the interest in single incision laparoscopy an eminently doable technique in present with minimum visible scarring, rendering a ‘scarless’ effect

7  Single incision laparoscopy to be performed through a single incision in the patient’s navel, resulting in no visible scar

8  The combination of advances in surgical technique and equipment innovations has made LESS possible









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