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DATA ACCURACY- one of the issues of computer ethics. Providing inaccurate data input results in erroneous information & decision making. Information on.

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Presentation on theme: "DATA ACCURACY- one of the issues of computer ethics. Providing inaccurate data input results in erroneous information & decision making. Information on."— Presentation transcript:

1 DATA ACCURACY- one of the issues of computer ethics. Providing inaccurate data input results in erroneous information & decision making. Information on the web could be wrong. Sometimes, the company providing access to information may not be the creator. Then Who is responsible for the accuracy of information? Alter output greatly(e.g.photographs) changes meaning /content

2 INFORMATION PRIVACY The right of individuals/companies to deny or restrict the collection and use of information about them. Companies collect and use confidential data stored in online database without people authorization.Many web sites collect data, customise advertisements and send you email Technique to collect your data are : Electronic profile – register magazine subscription, product warranty(12:27-28) Cookies – small file that a web site send to your browser and your hard disk stores it. The next time you visit the web site,your browser retrieves it from your hard disk and sent data in it to the web site. It is used to track users preference, store your password, the frequency of visiting a site/items in your shopping carts.(10:24, 12:28-30) Spyware -program placed on your computer without user knowledge that secretly collects information about users.(12:31) Spam -Internet junk mail (2:37,10:25, 12:31) Employee monitoring(controversal) –employers claim emails send from employee computer is part of company property.(12:23,3.32)

3 INFORMATION OF PRIVACY-Personal Data Privacy Ordinance) individuals has the rights To have their personal data collected in a manner which is lawful and fair and to be informed of the purposes for which the data are to be used. To consent( 同意 )to a change of use of the data To have their personal data kept accurate, up-to-date,secure and confidential and for no longer than necessary To obtain a copy of their personal data held by a data user and to require correction of any inaccuracy To ascertain a data user’s personal data policy and practices To know that the data is being collected Possible cases that privacy is threatened Unauthorized access ( 提取 ) to people’s information Unauthorized use and spread of people’s information Unauthorized modification ( 更改 )of people’s information

4 Example of information privacy Many web sites collect data about you so they can customize( 美化 ) advertisements and send you personalized e-mail messages Some employers monitor your computer usage and e-mail messages When you fill out a form such as a magazine subscription or click an advertisement on the Web, your information enter a database. The Merchants then sell contents of their databases to other parties

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