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Dyna Training Assessments Enquiries to: Melanie Harvard NQF Advisor NQ-Plus Networks 021 556 5856.

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Presentation on theme: "Dyna Training Assessments Enquiries to: Melanie Harvard NQF Advisor NQ-Plus Networks 021 556 5856."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dyna Training Assessments Enquiries to: Melanie Harvard NQF Advisor NQ-Plus Networks 021 556 5856

2 What is it?  It is the final summative assessment of applied and theoretical competence, over time and back in the workplace.  It is a portfolio of evidence of competence (in file format), which is compiled by the learner using a Dyna assessment guide.  It is a nationally-recognised, officially approved way to become qualified. Copyright NQ plus2

3 Why do it? Learners can:  Turn best practice principles learnt on training into a HABIT (internalising learning through ongoing practical application)  Achieve a nationally-recognised and internationally benchmarked National Qualifications Framework certificate.  Achieve National Qualification Framework credits towards a full qualification.  Become certificated/qualified without having to leave the workplace, using everyday workplace activities to prove competence.  ‘Show their stuff’ – the assessments are practical and enable you to add value back to your workplace. It’s never too late to learn or to carry on learning... Invest in Yourself! Copyright NQ plus3

4 Company Benefits  Nationally-recognised certification for learners, and NQF credits awarded.  Discretionary grant money can be accessed per credit achieved per learner  Benchmarking learners against a nationally-recognised standard of competence. Copyright NQ plus4

5 Recommended entry levels  Dyna contact training and all formative assessment activities must be completed.  The following guidelines for entry are  Core: level 3 (grade 11)  BMS: level 4 (matric)  Business Sense: level 2 (grade 10)  Cap 1 – 3: level 4 (matric) * While we encourage learners to grow and develop and would not deny anyone a chance to obtain a certificate of competence – those clients/learners who enter the process but do not possess the recommended entry levels do so voluntarily and at their own risk. It is advised that those learners whose literacy (English language ability) falls below the recommended levels consider ABET training prior to attempting a level 4 summative assessment. Pre-training assessment is available if you are unsure of your ability to meet the challenges of the programme. Copyright NQ plus5

6 The Assessment Process Copyright NQ plus6 BriefingFeedback

7 The Certification Process Copyright NQ plus

8 The assessor’s role  To brief the learner on what the assessment is all about (telephonic or face-to-face).  To support the learners with any questions that arise during the process.  To acknowledge receipt of portfolios.  To assess portfolios once they are submitted.  To organise moderation of portfolios.  To notify learners and their managers  If the POE becomes due/overdue (Core & BMS only)  If a learner is assessed and remedial work is required.  Of an assessment decision and organise certification where the learner is found competent.  To upload learners details and achievements onto the National Database. Copyright NQ plus8

9 Assessors on Board  Dyna & NQ Plus have many trained, registered (with ETD and the relevant SETA against the required unit standards) and competent assessors on staff.  All Dyna trainers are also required to be exposed to basic assessor training.  Although this is NOT the full listing of available assessors, for purposes of skills rebate or special funding claims to your SETA, you may quote the following assessor registration details: › Assessors  N Mouton – ETD Reg No: L967655Mou, SSETA - 6908265089084  M Harvard – ETD Reg No: LRN3118182581HA, SSETA – 7301160009085  A Aucamp – SSETA - 6404280133081 › Moderators  N Mouton – ETD Reg No: L967655Mou, SSETA - 6908265089084  M Harvard – ETD Reg No: LRN3118182581HA, SSETA – 7301160009085  H Dempers – SSETA - 7608210234087 Copyright NQ plus9

10 The learner’s Responsibilities  To fully commit to the process  To fully complete everything requested in the assessment guide  To involve their manager and team in their progress  To ask for help where needed  To allocate at least 2-4 hours a week to complete assessment activities.  To complete and submit the evidence on time. Copyright NQ plus10

11 The manager’s role  To ensure commitment of learner to the assessment and correct entry level before registering learners for the process.  To track the progress of their learner through regular meetings and interest shown in completed work. Around 2 hours a month is a guideline for the amount of time needed for this.  To incentivise the learners to complete through internal performance review systems, learning contracts and/or payback schemes for non-completers.  To give the learner a chance to apply the assessment in real work situations – ie delegate activities which support the learning.  To give succession planning learners a chance to manage others for one or more projects to exercise their management muscles and be able to complete the assessments needed.  To provide learners with access to resources (eg computers, printers, teams, time) and documents (ie work-related/company information) to enable them to complete. Copyright NQ plus11

12 How do I get things started ?  An order form needs to be faxed to NQ Plus on 0880215565856, indicating your need for assessment, what is to be assessed and the expected number of learners (please request this form).  You will be invoiced, and the assessment guide delivered to the learner at or before the briefing.  A learner briefing visit/phone call will be arranged, or the client company may elect to perform their own briefing.  On or before the due date, the client company is tasked with the job of collecting and sending the completed POEs to the following address: Attention: NQ Plus Networks, Unit D7, Collingwood Bldg, Black River Park, Fir Street, Observatory, Cape Town.  LEARNERS MUST MAKE & KEEP COPIES OF THEIR POES. NO POES WILL BE RETURNED, AND IF THEY GO MISSING IN TRANSIT THIS REMAINS THE LEARNERS'/COMPANY LIABILITY. Copyright NQ plus12

13 2016 Prices  BMS/Core Skills Programmes – R3 775 (ex VAT) per learner, due on placing of assessment order  Customer Sense/Business Sense/CAPs – R630 (ex VAT) per learner, due on placing of assessment order  Pre-training/entry assessments – R250 (ex VAT) Copyright NQ plus13

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