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Unit 1: History of the Earth Living or non-living everything has a history Earth has a history We are fortunate to live in a time when we can study the.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1: History of the Earth Living or non-living everything has a history Earth has a history We are fortunate to live in a time when we can study the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1: History of the Earth Living or non-living everything has a history Earth has a history We are fortunate to live in a time when we can study the Earth’s history

2 What are Fossils? Remains, imprints, or traces of once-living organisms preserved in rocks Presentation ShellSpider, Beetle…Alien? Fish

3 Why Study Fossils? Helps scientists determine approximately: WHAT the living thing looked like WHEN … Life began Plants and animals first lived on land Certain types of organisms disappeared HOW they lived

4 Necessary Conditions 1. The body of the dead organism must be protected from scavengers and microorganisms e.g. Being buried quickly by sediments, flood-like or wind storm conditions 2. Organisms have a better chance of being preserved if they have hard parts e.g. Bones, shells, or teeth But, I don’t want to be a fossil.

5 Types of Fossils 1. Petrified Remains 2. Carbonaceous Films 3. Molds and Casts 4. Original Remains 5. Trace Fossils 6. Index Fossils But, I really don’t want to be a fossil.

6 1. Petrified Remains  Hard, rocklike  Some or all of the original materials in the remains have been replaced by minerals  We learn about past life-forms from bones, wood, and other remains that become petrified

7 2. Carbonaceous Films When all that’s left is a thin film of carbon residue from the original organism, forming an outline The main element that makes up all living things is carbon We are “Carbon based life forms”

8 3. Molds and Casts Like impressions of plaster of paris In nature, such impressions are made when seashells and other hard parts fall into soft sediment and are buried Cast Mold

9 Mold and Casts: How they form i.A living thing dies and/or is quickly trapped under sediments ii.Sediments turn to rock; organism is impressed into the rock material iii.Organism dissolves and is removed from rock layers, leaving behind a mold iv.Minerals or rock material fill the mold and hardens, creating a cast of the original creature.

10 4. Original Remains Not quite an official fossil When the actual organism or parts are found preserved in some other substance Such as: ice, tar, amber

11 5. Trace Fossils Fossilized tracks and other evidence of animal activity

12 6. Index Fossils From species that: 1. Existed on Earth for relatively short periods of time, 2. Were abundant, 3. Were wide-spread geographically Index fossils “mark” a specific layer in rocks Shells make good index fossils

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