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TEAM 1: Charles Dewsnup, Christopher Antczak, Reece Berry, Mark Bacon 24 APRIL 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM 1: Charles Dewsnup, Christopher Antczak, Reece Berry, Mark Bacon 24 APRIL 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM 1: Charles Dewsnup, Christopher Antczak, Reece Berry, Mark Bacon 24 APRIL 2015

2  Laboratory Supervisors  Laboratory Instructors  Laboratory Assistants

3  Intended to be a living laboratory safety document.  Changes and updates are quickly implemented  Allows a common depository of Laboratory:  Equipment  Experiments  MSDS/SDS  Greater access to information  A team approach to lab safety management  More eyes on the information 

4  Regulations and Policies: ◦ Resource conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) ◦ Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) ◦ Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) ◦ Various State, Local, and University Level Policies


6  1. Define equipment 3. Type Findings  2. Research safety 4. Update Manual


8  Example: ◦ Link to MSDS/SDS vs Housing them per experiment?  By a show of hands who has actually read the MSDS/SDS’s for the unitop labs?  By a show of hands who signed the form saying they had read all the MSDS/SDS’s for the labs?


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