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Neutron Star Normal Modes Neutron Star Normal Modes LSC Meeting, Baton Rouge, March 2004 LIGO-G040141-00-Z B.S. Sathyaprakash and Bernard Schutz Cardiff.

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Presentation on theme: "Neutron Star Normal Modes Neutron Star Normal Modes LSC Meeting, Baton Rouge, March 2004 LIGO-G040141-00-Z B.S. Sathyaprakash and Bernard Schutz Cardiff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neutron Star Normal Modes Neutron Star Normal Modes LSC Meeting, Baton Rouge, March 2004 LIGO-G040141-00-Z B.S. Sathyaprakash and Bernard Schutz Cardiff University and AEI

2 March 10, 20042 Neutron Star Normal Modes Sathyaprakash and Schutz Neutron Stars Great interest in detecting radiation: physics of such stars is poorly understood. –After 35 years we still don’t know what makes pulsars pulse or glitch. –Interior properties not understood: equation of state, superfluidity, superconductivity, solid core, source of magnetic field. –May not even be neutron stars: could be made of strange matter!

3 March 10, 20043 Neutron Star Normal Modes Sathyaprakash and Schutz Gravitational Waves from Pulsating Neutron Stars NS Formation Dimmelmeier, Font & Mueller (2002) Secular Instabilities Andersson, Jones & KK (2002) NS merger Shibata & Uryu (2002)

4 March 10, 20044 Neutron Star Normal Modes Sathyaprakash and Schutz Stellar Modes G-modes or gravity-modes: buoyancy is the main restoring force P-modes or pressure-modes: main restoring force is the pressure F-mode or fundamental-mode: (surface waves) has an intermediate character of p- and g-mode W-modes: pure space-time modes (only in GR, space-time curvature is the restoring agent) Inertial modes (r-mode) : main restoring force is the Coriolis force (σ~2Ω/3) Superfluid modes: Deviation from chemical equilibrium provides the main restoring agent

5 March 10, 20045 Neutron Star Normal Modes Sathyaprakash and Schutz Asteroseismology Normal mode frequencies and damping times have the same dependence on R and M Andersson-Kokkotas (1996-98)

6 March 10, 20046 Neutron Star Normal Modes Sathyaprakash and Schutz Asteroseismology Unique estimation of Mass and Radius and EoS

7 March 10, 20047 Neutron Star Normal Modes Sathyaprakash and Schutz Signal Strengths of Normal Modes Glitch the energy –Crab/Vela glitches could deposit energy in normal modes as high as 10 –12 Msun Energy in normal modes when a neutron star forms could be as high as 10 –8 Msun Normal modes excited due to glitches in Vela will have an amplitude of 10 –24 It is possible that a newly born NS can be observed in normal modes in our own Galaxy

8 March 10, 20048 Neutron Star Normal Modes Sathyaprakash and Schutz F- and W- modes in Interferometers

9 March 10, 20049 Neutron Star Normal Modes Sathyaprakash and Schutz Analysis Plan Make a catalogue of potential sources of normal modes (T. Regimbau) –Glitches in radio pulsars, especially Crab and Vela Set up collaborations with Radio, Gamma and X-ray Astronomers to set up time-windows to search for normal modes –Accretion onto neutron stars could produce seismic disturbances that could lead to intermittent emission of normal modes. Should coordinate with X-ray/Gamma-ray observations Use existing LAL codes to set up a search pipeline (R. Balasubramanian) –Add a piece to carry out triggered searches for NS modes –Explore if we can use the existing triggered search codes

10 March 10, 200410 Neutron Star Normal Modes Sathyaprakash and Schutz Coordinated Searches with Radio Data Why pulsars glitch –3 decades after pulsars are discovered we don’t fully understand why pulsars pulse or glitch –Observing normal modes in neutron stars, combined with radio observations, could teach us about glitches, equation-of-state of high-density neutrons (or other matter) Collaborate with Jodrell Bank –Jodrell and can provide glitch data on PSR B0833-45, The Vela Pulsar and PSR B0531+21, The Crab Pulsar –Jodrell also has unpublished data on pulsars showing peculiarities in pulse periods – could be looked in coincidence with GW data

11 March 10, 200411 Neutron Star Normal Modes Sathyaprakash and Schutz Benefits from the study Independent (maybe unique) estimation of stellar parameters (mass, radius, EOS, rotation) Understanding of the microphysics in the early stages of NS formation Discovering exotic EOS

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