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 Energy does things for us.  Make a list of all the ‘things’ you think energy does.

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Presentation on theme: " Energy does things for us.  Make a list of all the ‘things’ you think energy does."— Presentation transcript:

1  Energy does things for us.  Make a list of all the ‘things’ you think energy does

2  Now that you understand a little more about the efficiency of energy transformation, how much do you think you’d need to eat if our bodies were 100% efficient at converting food (chemical energy) to motion/sustaining life?

3  Energy is defined as  The ability to produce change or do work  We recognize the tasks energy does as:  Light  Heat  Motion  Sound  Growth  Technology

4  Potential – Stored energy and the energy of position (gravitational).  Kinetic – Motion energy. The motion of waves, electrons, atoms, molecules and substances.

5  Look at the summary card of Energy Forms at your table – one is highlighted  Use the white-board at your table to make a mini-poster of that form of energy  Your poster must have:  Large title stating the form of energy  Whether it is Potential or Kinetic Energy  Picture representing where the energy is stored  Picture representing an example of that type of energy  You are done with this task at: ___________

6  You have ___ minutes to visit each others posters  Be sure to write down:  Type of energy  Whether it is Potential or Kinetic  Draw picture or write down where the energy is stored and an example  You are back in your seats at: ____________

7  Energy is conserved  We don’t use it up, it just changes form  When energy changes form, the total quantity of energy remains the same  *** Except when mater is converted to energy during nuclear fusion and fission





12  Energy isn’t gained or lost when it changes form  BUT it doesn’t ALL change from one form to the next  Efficiency: how much useful energy you get out of a system  Energy transformation isn’t very efficient

13  Energy transformation isn’t very efficient


15 Light






21 NON-RENEWABLE  Cannot be replenished in a short period of time RENEWABLE  Supplies are replenished in a short amount of time Question: Is Electricity a Renewable or Non-Renewable Resource?



24  What is energy ‘doing’ for you right now?  On your white boards:  Draw a picture or make a list of all the ways your have used energy in the past hour  Be ready to share your board in 5 minutes

25  We all use different amounts of energy  The average American uses about as much energy as is stored in 7 gallons of gasoline.  That’s every person, every day.  Over a course of one year, the sum of this energy = to about 2,500 gallons of gasoline per person.

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