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1. What kind of energy is stored in bonds of molecules? a.Thermal energy b.Chemical energy c.Nuclear energy d.Mechanical energy WEEK 11 START ON A NEW.

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Presentation on theme: "1. What kind of energy is stored in bonds of molecules? a.Thermal energy b.Chemical energy c.Nuclear energy d.Mechanical energy WEEK 11 START ON A NEW."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What kind of energy is stored in bonds of molecules? a.Thermal energy b.Chemical energy c.Nuclear energy d.Mechanical energy WEEK 11 START ON A NEW PAGE!

2 2. To activate a “light stick,” you bend the stick until the vial inside breaks. Then you shake the stick to mix the contents. The stick will glow for several hours. What energy transformation takes place in a light stick? a.Mechanical energy to radiant energy b.Chemical energy to mechanical energy c.Chemical energy to radiant energy d.Radiant energy to thermal energy

3 3. In a hydroelectric power plant, moving water turns a turbine, which generates electricity. What energy conversion takes place in the turbine? a.Thermal to electrical b.Electrical to mechanical c.Thermal to mechanical d. Mechanical to electrical

4 4. A rock falls from the edge of a cliff. Which sentence describes the rock’s energy when it is exactly halfway between the cliff edge and the ground? a.Its kinetic energy equals its potential energy. b.Its kinetic energy is twice its potential energy. c.Its kinetic energy is less than its potential energy. d.Its kinetic energy is greater than its potential energy.

5 5. What happens to most materials when they become warmer? a.They contract. b.They float. c.They vaporize. d.They expand.

6 6. Which of the following is true? a.Warm air is less dense than cool air. b.Warm air is as dense as cool air. c.Warm air has no density. d.Warm air is denser than cool air.

7 7. The flow of thermal energy is called a.Temperature b.Heat c.Kinetic energy d.A circuit

8 8. How does mass relate to potential energy? a.The more massive the object, the more potential energy it has. b.The more massive the object, the less potential energy it has. c.Mass and potential energy are not related. d.Mass produces potential energy.

9 9. Convection currents do not take place in a.Liquids b.Gases. c.Solids. d.The ocean.

10 10. The transfer of heat by collision of atoms is a.conduction. b.convection. c.radiation. d.thermal energy.

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