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B ACK TO S CHOOL N IGHT 4 th Grade September 23, 2015 Miss Caitlin MacPhee.

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1 B ACK TO S CHOOL N IGHT 4 th Grade September 23, 2015 Miss Caitlin MacPhee


3 H EALTH Mental, Emotional, Family, and Social Health Growth and Nutrition Personal Health and Safety Drugs and Disease Prevention Community and Environmental Health

4 W RITING Daily Oral Language Mini-Lesson Independent Writing/Conferencing Share Time Topics: Personal Narrative, Expository Writing, Imaginative Stories, Poetry, Literary Essay, Self- Selected Research Standards: Website, NJ Standards

5 S PELLING Students will have a new set of words each week. They will need to complete the designated activities in their spelling workbook each week. Students will have a spelling test every Friday Challenge words will be tested!

6 R EADING Word Study- Prefix, Suffix, Root Word Mini-Lesson Independent Reading Time/Small Group/ Conferencing Partners Share Weekly Close Reading D.E.A.R Should ALWAYS have two books to read Same book at home as in school!

7 M ATH Concept Review from previous day Go over homework Check their own and hand them in Lesson Centers- correlate to topic being covered and will change based on topic. Wrap-up

8 S CIENCE Topics: Science and Society, Science and Technology, Matter, Energy, Organization in Living Systems, Diversity and Biological Evolution, Structures and Properties of Matter, Motion and Forces, Energy Transformation, Earth Science, Space Science, Environmental Studies. STEM Science, technology, engineering, math Barometer  Mid-October Once a week Supply list on website!! For more information visit: df

9 S OCIAL S TUDIES New Jersey: Geography, Important People, Politics, Important Events Social Studies Weekly Weekly newspaper Quiz weekly on the paper of the week For more information visit: riculum.pdf

10 R ELIGION This year we will focus on How God’s law guides us How to be a positive contribution to school, family, and others Chapter test Open book About once every other week Unit test Every other month Will not be open book Study guide will be given

11 G RADING The break down of grades is as follows: - Classwork/Homework 15% - Out of 100 points always - Quizzes 20% - Tests 50% - Projects 15% A 100-90% B 89-80% C 79-70% D 69-60%

12 H OMEWORK Homework will be written down in assignment notebooks. On website Graded not on the questions they have gotten right but the completion and work being shown

13 B EHAVIORAL E XPECTATIONS Classroom Rules: Respect everyone, including yourself. Follow teachers instructions and classroom procedures Have a positive attitude Be kind and friendly Dojo Classroom pictures Messaging Points Goals

14 W EBSITE School website: http://www.hobokencatholic.org Can locate class website through school website: go to faculty, and click on Ms. Caitlin MacPhee Information on class website: Specials Class rules Supply list Curriculum Happening this month Birthdays Homework Resources Class newsletter

15 C ONTACT I NFORMATION Email: School Number: 201-963-9535 Send a note in your child’s folder **Dojo message**

16 C ONFERENCES Please sign up for conferences before you leave. Available Conference Times: October 26 th 6- 8:30pm and October 27 th 1-3pm.

17 Q UESTIONS /C ONCERNS Thank you for coming tonight! I am looking forward to a great year working with you and your children! Saint Jude box  Donations!

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