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Year 1 Science. Introduction Hands on, practical, real purpose. Curiosity, awe and wonder of the world. Express own ideas, make predictions, ask questions,

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Presentation on theme: "Year 1 Science. Introduction Hands on, practical, real purpose. Curiosity, awe and wonder of the world. Express own ideas, make predictions, ask questions,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 1 Science

2 Introduction Hands on, practical, real purpose. Curiosity, awe and wonder of the world. Express own ideas, make predictions, ask questions, vocabulary. Fun!!

3 Animals and Humans One topic each half term. How can you help at home? Look in ponds-tadpoles, frogs-PE

4 Senses Smell- different foods, perfume, smells in the environment. Touch- different materials, textures, close eyes. Hear- different sound- close eyes, what can you hear? Taste- try different foods- why do you like/dislike it? Describe. Sight- what can you see? Kim's game. Opticians in 1D, I spy. DESCRIPTION/VOCABULARY.

5 Humans What do we need to survive? We need air, drink, food, sleep, exercise. Progress- baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, elderly. Name parts of the body- song “Heads, shoulders, knees and toes.” “If your happy and you know it.”- stamp feet, clap hands etc. Books- “Funny bones”- Ahlbergs “Don’t forget the bacon”- By Pat Hutchins- hearing! Chinese whispers.

6 Pets How to look after them- beds, food, drink. Recognise animals- visit farms, zoos. What do animals need to survive- wild animals, domestic, birds

7 Push and Pull What are these actions? Look at toys at home, how are they different from each other? Vocabulary force, fast, slow, push and pull.

8 Around the house- drawers, blinds, curtains, doors.- What actions do you need to work these? Look at large toys scooters, bikes, skates, skate boards etc. What do you have to do to make them move?

9 Look when out and about- diggers, cranes, cars, trains, trams. Watch how they are moving.

10 Light and dark Light passes through same material and not others.- Look at curtains and blinds at home. Dark Den- torches, glowing stars etc.- bedroom at night. Vocabulary- light, dark, transparent, opaque. Eyes- blind fold, close eyes- feel objects describe and guess what they are.

11 Walk- what can you see in your house (school) Computer, DVD, light bulb, oven, microwave- how many can you find? Outside, sun (be careful) moon, stars, reflective strips- outside in dark. Celebration, Eid, Christmas, Diwali- parties, candles.- How do we light up the party?

12 Books “Cant you sleep little bear” “Peace at last” “Owl who was afraid of the dark” “Lighthouse keepers lunch” “The owl babies”

13 Materials Variety of materials- sort into groups. Vocabulary- Silk, paper, oil- texture, rough, smooth, soft, hard. Where do you see materials?- look round house, curtains, sheets, clothes, wool etc.

14 Experiment- story- how to make umbrella- look at different materials- /watering can. Magnets- fun!- what do they attract/repel? Play with magnets. School- iron filings- make pictures.

15 Sounds Know how to change sounds. Musical instruments- drum- hit hard, hit gently. Vocabulary- names of instruments- string, percussion, wood wind, brass- different sounds. Know sound travels- noisy neighbours!!

16 Make a phone- 2 yoghurt cups and string. We hear with our ears- look at diagram of ear. What can we hear outside? What can we hear in the house at different times of day?

17 Plants What do plants need to grow? Look in garden, park. Vocabulary- need sun, water, soil, seeds, bulbs, roots, petals, leaves.

18 Experiment- yoghurt cup, cotton wool, cress seeds- eat egg cress sandwich after! Put in dark, no water. Vocabulary- petal, stem leaf.- look inside lily!- pollen, bees. Plant bulb in soil- grow at home. Plant in garden. Watch the bees.

19 Stories “Titch” “Jack and the beanstalk” “Jasper and the beanstalk”

20 Conclusion Garden club/science club. Use of ICT, books. Use of outside and inside. Children are investigating and exploring. Cross curricular/connections between areas of learning. Science museum, Natural History museum. Jigsaws. Exhibitions.

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