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Direct Spatial Association of an X-Ray Flare with the Eruption of a Solar Quiescent Filament Gordon D. Holman and Adi Foord (2015) Solar Seminar on July.

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Presentation on theme: "Direct Spatial Association of an X-Ray Flare with the Eruption of a Solar Quiescent Filament Gordon D. Holman and Adi Foord (2015) Solar Seminar on July."— Presentation transcript:

1 Direct Spatial Association of an X-Ray Flare with the Eruption of a Solar Quiescent Filament Gordon D. Holman and Adi Foord (2015) Solar Seminar on July 13, 2015 Kumi Hirose

2 1.Introduction  Understanding of the conditions that affect the origin, magnitude end evolution of the solar flare ↓ Understanding and predicting flare and space weather  Most flares occur in active regions. However, flares are occasionally observed in Hα from spotless region of the Sun. ↑ In most cases, these flares are associated with the eruption of a quiescent filament. Quiescent filamentsActive region filaments sizelongershorter magnetic fieldweakerstronger

3 GOES and RHESSI  Solar flares are identified through their enhancement of the soft X-ray emission detected by GOES, which continuously observe the spatially integrated X-ray flux from the Sun in soft X-ray band (1-8 Å ) and hard X-ray band (0.5-4 Å ).  The combination of this two bands of GOES provides a measure of the temperature and emission measure of the emitting plasma.  RHESSI provides spectroscopic imaging of solar flares from soft X-rays to γ-rays, from 3keV(4 Å ) to 17Mev photon energies.  RHESSI observations of flare and microflares have indicated that the X-ray flare only occur in active regions.

4 In this paper…  Report on a quiescent filament eruption with associated GOES and RHESSI X-ray emission  The eruption is observed in EUV images from SDO/AIA.  The RHESSI X-ray emission to be spatially compact, but directly associated with the quiescent filament eruption. (It is not located in an active region or associated with an active region flare.)

5 2.Data Analysis

6 Movie of the filament eruption  9/SDO_2013-09-29_304_4k.webmhd.webm 9/SDO_2013-09-29_304_4k.webmhd.webm

7 GOES → RHESSI → Fermi → Light curves

8 The peak of the RHESSI emission moved westward with the western ribbon.

9 Magnetogram with superimposed RHESSI image contours and dipole (emerging flux region)

10 A barb is seen extending downward toward the small dipole before the filament eruption. The presence of the barb provides evidence for a magnetic connection between the small dipole and the magnetic structure supporting the filament.

11 The evolution of the small dipole before the filament eruption

12 3.Conclusions The X-ray flare can be directly associated with the eruption of a quiescent filament and can occur outside an active region. The X-ray flare clearly does not cause the filament eruption. The presence of a small but intense dipolar magnetic region below the filament. The X-ray flare is only seen near the location of the dipolar region.

13 Summary  This study is about the eruption of the quiescent filament began at about 21:00 UT on 2013 September 29.  The X-ray flare can be directly associated with the eruption of a quiescent filament and can occur outside an active region.  Magnetic field strengths are provided by a small dipolar structure located beneath the filament and adjacent to the location of the X-ray emission.  The emerging flux region contributed to the triggering of the filament eruption.

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