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Warrants. Argument 1 Claim - Southwest Airlines will have a profitable year next year. Grounds - The nation’s economic growth is predicted to continue.

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Presentation on theme: "Warrants. Argument 1 Claim - Southwest Airlines will have a profitable year next year. Grounds - The nation’s economic growth is predicted to continue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warrants

2 Argument 1 Claim - Southwest Airlines will have a profitable year next year. Grounds - The nation’s economic growth is predicted to continue at an annual rate of at least 3 percent over the next year. Southwest has enjoyed greater profits than any airline in North America for the past three years.

3 Warrant 1 High Income

4 Warrant 2 Improves living standards

5 Warrant 3 Increase capital investment

6 Warrant 4 Cost-effective, viable

7 Argument 2 Claim - I do not believe Gretchen is an ideal choice for supervisor of the customer service department. Grounds - She has worked in the department for only eight months and has been with the company for less than two years. She seems to be rather reclusive—eating lunch by herself and not communicating much with other workers during breaks.

8 Warrant 1 Lack of experience -leadership -communication skills

9 Argument 3 Claim - Our firm needs to invest more resources into new product development in order to remain competitive in the future. Grounds - Our sales research shows that 80 percent of our profits over the past three years have been made from products that are more than six years old. We reduced our research and development budget by 28 percent over the past three years. We are living off “the fat of the land.”

10 Warrant 1 compete against other companies with newer models or devices Apple vs Samsung

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