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Labradoodles By: Brielle Rutherford. Golden retriever plus poodle =golden doodle Poodle+crockospanle +black lab+water dog= Australian labardoole Made.

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Presentation on theme: "Labradoodles By: Brielle Rutherford. Golden retriever plus poodle =golden doodle Poodle+crockospanle +black lab+water dog= Australian labardoole Made."— Presentation transcript:

1 Labradoodles By: Brielle Rutherford

2 Golden retriever plus poodle =golden doodle Poodle+crockospanle +black lab+water dog= Australian labardoole Made from

3  Puppy Labardooles need lots of exrsise  They also need a pea pad so they don’t go evreywhere  They also need to go outside every two hours Puppies!

4 Grooming To groom your Labardoole you need a pin A pin is a special brush to groom your Labardoole. You also need to be jental whan brushing.

5 BB utterscoch BB rown WW hite BB lack PP arty AA party is two colors in one but it is rare Color

6  Labardooles look funny afer and before the bath.  Before they are puffy  After they look skiny Bath time!

7  Labardooles are loyal and easy to train  Labardooles have big square noses  Labardooles come in many colors coats and sizes  Small Big Medom  Labradooles make good models for fashion magazines.  They have been featured in the ads of fashion designers like Tommy Hilfiger and Ralph Laruren Fun facts and Bye!!!!!!

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