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Where Does Service to God Begin? n (Mark 12:29-30 NKJV) Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God,

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Presentation on theme: "Where Does Service to God Begin? n (Mark 12:29-30 NKJV) Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Where Does Service to God Begin? n (Mark 12:29-30 NKJV) Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. {30} ‘And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment.

3 It is Easy to Neglect the Heart n (Prov 4:23 NKJV) Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

4 The Reforms of Josiah n n The background of Josiah. (2 Chron 33:22-34:1)

5 The Reforms of Josiah n n The background of Josiah. (2 Chron 33:22-34:1) – –His grandfather was Manasseh and his father was Amnon. (2 Kings 24:3-4)

6 The Reforms of Josiah n n The background of Josiah. (2 Chron 33:22-34:1) – –His grandfather was Manasseh and his father was Amnon. (2 Kings 24:3-4) – –He was only eight years old when he began to reign. What kind of advisors did he have?

7 The Reforms of Josiah n n The background of Josiah. (2 Chron 33:22-34:1) – –His grandfather was Manasseh and his father was Amnon. (2 Kings 24:3-4) – –He was only eight years old when he began to reign. What kind of advisors did he have? – –What chance would you give this young man of doing right?

8 The Reforms of Josiah n God called Josiah a son of David. (2 Chron 34:2-3)

9 The Reforms of Josiah n God called Josiah a son of David. (2 Chron 34:2-3) – Why is he called a son of David? Was not Amnon his father? In truth you are a son of who you act like! (Matt 5:44-45; Mark 3:17)

10 The Reforms of Josiah n God called Josiah a son of David. (2 Chron 34:2-3) – Why is he called a son of David? Was not Amnon his father? In truth you are a son of who you act like! (Matt 5:44-45; Mark 3:17) – Every man in spite of his background can make a choice to do right. (Josh 24:15)

11 The Reforms of Josiah n The conversion and early reforms of Josiah. (2 Chron 34:4-5)

12 The Reforms of Josiah n The conversion and early reforms of Josiah. (2 Chron 34:4-5) – At 16 years old he began to seek after God.

13 The Reforms of Josiah n The conversion and early reforms of Josiah. (2 Chron 34:4-5) – At 16 years old he began to seek after God. –At 20 years old he cleansed the city.

14 The Reforms of Josiah n The conversion and early reforms of Josiah. (2 Chron 34:4-5) – At 16 years old he began to seek after God. –At 20 years old he cleansed the city. –The truth is the people were willing to go along with whatever the king wanted. (Jer 5:31)

15 The Reforms of Josiah n The conversion and early reforms of Josiah. (2 Chron 34:4-5) – At 16 years old he began to seek after God. –At 20 years old he cleansed the city. –The truth is the people were willing to go along with whatever the king wanted. (Jer 5:31) –How much could Josiah do? He did not stop at Jerusalem! (2 Chron 34:6-7) n

16 The Reforms of Josiah n Later reforms of Josiah.

17 The Reforms of Josiah n Later reforms of Josiah. –He began the work of restoring and repairing the temple. (2 Chron 34:8)

18 The Reforms of Josiah n Later reforms of Josiah. –He began the work of restoring and repairing the temple. (2 Chron 34:8) –For the first time in years the book of the law was found. (2 Chron 34:14-15)

19 The Reforms of Josiah n Later reforms of Josiah. –He began the work of restoring and repairing the temple. (2 Chron 34:8) –For the first time in years the book of the law was found. (2 Chron 34:14-15) –3. How could this have happened? They had long stopped reading it to follow the Lord’s will. Where do we stand? n

20 The Reforms of Josiah n n The tender heart of Josiah.

21 The Reforms of Josiah n n The tender heart of Josiah. – –He has the law read to him. He reacts in deep mourning.(2 Chron 34:18-19, 21)

22 The Reforms of Josiah n n The tender heart of Josiah. – –He has the law read to him. He reacts in deep mourning.(2 Chron 34:18-19, 21) – –Josiah now wants to know exactly where he and his nation stands.

23 The Reforms of Josiah n n The tender heart of Josiah. – –He has the law read to him. He reacts in deep mourning.(2 Chron 34:18-19, 21) – –Josiah now wants to know exactly where he and his nation stands. – –The answer should not have surprised him. (2 Chron 34:23-25)

24 The Reforms of Josiah n n The tender heart of Josiah. – –He has the law read to him. He reacts in deep mourning.(2 Chron 34:18-19, 21) – –Josiah now wants to know exactly where he and his nation stands. – –The answer should not have surprised him. (2 Chron 34:23-25) – –God however recognized Josiah. (2 Chron 34:26-28; 2 Tim 2:19)

25 The Reforms of Josiah n n The efforts of Josiah to save his nation. (2 Chron 34:30-33)

26 The Reforms of Josiah n n The efforts of Josiah to save his nation. (2 Chron 34:30-33) – – Have you ever thought: “I will make them do what is right!”

27 The Reforms of Josiah n n The efforts of Josiah to save his nation. (2 Chron 34:30-33) – – Have you ever thought: “I will make them do what is right!”? – –He had them observe the Passover. (2 Chron 35:1,5,7, 18-19)

28 The Reforms of Josiah n n The efforts of Josiah to save his nation. (2 Chron 34:30-33) – – Have you ever thought: “I will make them do what is right!”? – –He had them observe the Passover. (2 Chron 35:1,5,7, 18-19) – –He had to try and he did! What did God think of the fruits of his efforts?

29 Jeremiah and Josiah n Jeremiah started preaching during the reign of Josiah. (Jer 1:1-2)

30 Jeremiah and Josiah n Jeremiah started preaching during the reign of Josiah. (Jer 1:1-2) n What did Jeremiah say about the reforms of Josiah? ---- NOTHING!

31 Jeremiah and Josiah n Jeremiah started preaching during the reign of Josiah. (Jer 1:1-2) n What did Jeremiah say about the reforms of Josiah? ---- NOTHING! – Why? God sees the heart. (1 Sam 16:7)

32 Jeremiah and Josiah n Jeremiah started preaching during the reign of Josiah. (Jer 1:1-2) n What did Jeremiah say about the reforms of Josiah? ---- NOTHING! – Why? God sees the heart. (1 Sam 16:7) – Josiah could make them go to worship but he could not make them serve God.

33 Jeremiah and Josiah n Jeremiah started preaching during the reign of Josiah. (Jer 1:1-2) n What did Jeremiah say about the reforms of Josiah? ---- NOTHING! – Why? God sees the heart. (1 Sam 16:7) – Josiah could make them go to worship but he could not make them serve God. –Jesus never trusted the crowds that followed Him. (Jn 2:24-25)

34 Jeremiah and Josiah n Jeremiah was not a popular preacher.

35 Jeremiah and Josiah n Jeremiah was not a popular preacher. –He called Judah’s actions a pretense. (Jer 3:9-10)

36 Jeremiah and Josiah n Jeremiah was not a popular preacher. –He called Judah’s actions a pretense. (Jer 3:9-10) –The people thought that they could blackmail God because His temple was there. (Jer 7:4)

37 Jeremiah and Josiah n Jeremiah was not a popular preacher. –He called Judah’s actions a pretense. (Jer 3:9-10) –The people thought that they could blackmail God because His temple was there. (Jer 7:4) –He went so far as to tell them that prayer will not help. (Jer 7:16; 15:1)

38 Jeremiah and Josiah n Jeremiah was not a popular preacher. –He called Judah’s actions a pretense. (Jer 3:9-10) –The people thought that they could blackmail God because His temple was there. (Jer 7:4) –He went so far as to tell them that prayer will not help. (Jer 7:16; 15:1) –4. What about their sacrifices?. (Jer 7:21)

39 We Cannot Obligate God to Us n This is the God we serve! (Isa 40:15-16)

40 We Cannot Obligate God to Us n This is the God we serve! (Isa 40:15-16) –We should ask the question: “What does God want?” (Micah 6:8; Jn 4:23-24)

41 We Cannot Obligate God to Us n This is the God we serve! (Isa 40:15-16) –We should ask the question: “What does God want?” (Micah 6:8; Jn 4:23-24) n Outward conformity has never been the only test of faithfulness.

42 We Cannot Obligate God to Us n This is the God we serve! (Isa 40:15-16) –We should ask the question: “What does God want?” (Micah 6:8; Jn 4:23-24) n Outward conformity has never been the only test of faithfulness. – God wants a circumcised heart. (Jer 9:23-26; Micah 6:6-8)

43 We Cannot Obligate God to Us n This is the God we serve! (Isa 40:15-16) –We should ask the question: “What does God want?” (Micah 6:8; Jn 4:23-24) n Outward conformity has never been the only test of faithfulness. – God wants a circumcised heart. (Jer 9:23-26; Micah 6:6-8) –Are you weary in your worship? (Mal 1:13; Isa 43:22-24) n


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