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GERIATRIC EDUCATION SERIES Presented in partnership with: Funded in part by a grant from the EJC Foundation.

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Presentation on theme: "GERIATRIC EDUCATION SERIES Presented in partnership with: Funded in part by a grant from the EJC Foundation."— Presentation transcript:

1 GERIATRIC EDUCATION SERIES Presented in partnership with: Funded in part by a grant from the EJC Foundation

2 Caregiver Support & Resources January 6, 2016 Kelley R. Macmillan, Ph.D., LSW Director Community & Social Services Sanford Center for Aging

3 Objectives OBJECTIVE 1: Administer and score a caregiver burden screening instrument OBJECTIVE 2: Encourage family caregiver self- care OBJECTIVE 3: Discuss referral options to community programs serving older adults and family caregivers

4 What is Caregiving? Hands on personal care Helping with household tasks Night-time or 24-hour supervision Financial management Care coordination

5 Who are Caregivers? Women (60%) Adult Children (36%) Sole Caregiver (44%) Work Full-time (60%)

6 Why Assess the Caregiver? A caregiver assessment helps us understand what may support the caregiver in their role which benefits our client to maintain community residence.

7 Why are Caregivers Important? In the US there are 34.2 million (14.3% of pop.) people providing care (50 & >) The estimated cost for caregiving is $470 billion per year! (2013 data)

8 What are Caregivers Providing? Approximately 60% of care recipients ONLY receive care from informal caregivers CG provide 24.1 hrs/wk on average 22% of CG provide 40 hrs or more/wk A caregiving career lasts 3.7 years

9 Risks for Caregivers - 1 Caregivers are at greater risk of health problems: Infectious disease, such as flu Heart problems Diabetes Cancer

10 Risks for Caregivers - 2 Caregivers are at greater risk of mental health emotional problems: Depression (two times as common) Stress and burden Interpersonal problems Anxiety

11 Risks for Caregivers - 3 Caregivers are at greater risk of social problems: Isolation Reduced leisure activities/time Restricted social roles

12 Caregiver Stress Balancing caregiving, family and work Balancing the relationship with the care recipient Making decisions regarding care

13 Benefits of Caregiving - 1 A natural support system A meaningful & satisfying role The relationship between the adult and the caregiver may be enhanced

14 Benefits of Caregiving - 2 An opportunity to ‘give back’ to a parent Satisfaction in knowing the adult has a good quality of life – Autonomy & self-determination – Remain in home/familiar surroundings – Trusting relationship with caregiver

15 Strategies for Caregivers - 1 Social and Health Services – Case management – Respite care – Medicaid services (HCBS) – Medicare services (home health)

16 Strategies for Caregivers - 2 Psychosocial support - reduces isolation & permits ventilation of feelings with other caregivers Psychosocial support - reduces anxiety, guilt, depression & psychosomatic complaints

17 Strategies for Caregivers - 3 Psycho-education about caregiving – The aging process – Coping with caregiving – Communication strategies – Problem-solving – Information regarding community services

18 Strategies for Caregivers - 4 Immunizations - influenza, pneumococcal, tetanus Health screenings - cervical cancer, mammogram, blood sugar and blood pressure Mental health screening - stress, depression and anxiety

19 Strategies for Caregivers - 5 Encourage planning for future needs (caregiving can last for > 4 years) Living Will Advance Directive Durable Power of Attorney

20 Strategies for Caregivers - 6 Family member keeps copies of person’s important records. Direct deposit of person’s check(s) Automatic bill-pay Joint access to a bank account

21 Strategies for Caregivers - 7 Utility party notification Decide what to do about checkbook, credit cards Develop a system for handling mail Consider Volunteer Rep Payee Program

22 Interaction with Caregivers Give information in small doses Tackle one issue at a time Limit the length of your visits Verify that families understand Give manageable “homework” assignments and write them down!

23 Resources Family Caregiver Alliance odeid=1717 Nevada ADRC Aging and Disability Resource Center (National) index.php?page=ADRCLocator Eldercare Locator AARP

24 Sanford Center Geriatric Specialty Clinic Kelley R. Macmillan, Ph.D., LSW (775) 327-2281

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