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PURCHASING GUIDE OR: A quick guide to the do’s and don’ts of purchasing.

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Presentation on theme: "PURCHASING GUIDE OR: A quick guide to the do’s and don’ts of purchasing."— Presentation transcript:

1 PURCHASING GUIDE OR: A quick guide to the do’s and don’ts of purchasing

2 PURCHASING GUIDE Purchasing Requisitions Purchase Orders Mileage Staff Reimbursements

3 PURCHASING GUIDE Scope This document outlines the requirements for making purchases with WESD funds, including bidding requirements and thresholds, exceptions, and specific supplies and services that are exempt from bidding requirements.

4 DEFINITIONS  Fragmenting Purchases  ORPIN  Personal Services  WESD Funds  Verbal Quote  Written Quote

5 PURCHASING  3.1 No bills will be approved for payment unless purchases were made on approved purchase order/voucher. All Purchases, contracts or agreements obligating WESD funds in excess of $150,000 require prior Board approval.  Exceptions:

6 PURCHASING THRESHOLDS VERBAL AND WRITTEN QUOTES  You have a choice of using a hard copy version of the quote sheet, or an online version.

7 PURCHASING THRESHOLDS 2. Threshold of Purchase  Less than $10,000  $10,001 - $25,000  $25,001 to $150,000  Over $150,000

8 PURCHASING THRESHOLDS 3. Obtaining Quotes  $10,001 - $25,000  3 Verbal Quotes

9 PURCHASING THRESHOLDS  Obtaining Quotes  $25,001-$150,000  3 Written Quotes  Over $150,000  RFP or Bid  Board Approval Required  Fragmenting

10 PURCHASING THRESHOLDS 4. Make your selection  If not the lowest cost............... WHY?

11 EXEMPTIONS TO BIDDING REQUIREMENTS AUTHORIZED BY STATUTE  3.3.1Textbook and Instructional Material  3.3.2Sole-Source Purchases  3.3.3 Cooperative Intergovernmental Purchasing  3.3.4Other exceptions under ORS: Insurance Contracts, Contracts for Employee Benefits Plans, Real Property, Bond and Debt Agreements, Legal Services, Expert Witness or Consultants Related to Litigation.

12 EXEMPTIONS TO BIDDING AUTHORIZED BY WESD BOARD POLICY  3.4.1Educational Services  3.4.2Copyrighted Materials  3.4.3Periodicals  3.4.4Personal Services Less Than $25,000  3.4.5Advertising  3.4.6Emergencies  3.4.7Travel  3.4.8Other Contracting Agencies – Temp Services  3.4.9Contracts for Medical Professionals  3.4.10Price Regulated Purchases

13 EXEMPTIONS TO BIDDING  If you are claiming an exemption it must be approved by the Director of Business Services or the Accounting Manager before the requisition/voucher is entered.

14  Which of the following is an example of Fragmenting;  A.Purchase of office supplies at $10,000 a month by three departments for a total of $100,000.  B.Special Ed is replacing 50 desks for a total cost of $150,500. The purchase is split into 3 quotes over three months.  C.WESD has a contract with Minute Man Printing for $15,000. Special Ed sends a work order to the printer for brochures valued at $5,000. The Business office orders budget book printing at $5000. Willamette Promise sends a work order for 20 banners, 100 brochures and 100 books valued at $5,000.

15  Which of the following is not an exemption:  A.Classroom materials that include crayons, scissors, colored paper and glue  B.Science lab materials purchased for a specific curriculum  C.“National Geographic for Kids” for the library  D.A tree falls on the Marion Center and tears the roof

16 QUIZ -- BONUS ROUND  Which exemptions do the following fall under A. Science lab materials purchased for a specific curriculum B.“National Geographic for Kids” for the library C.A tree falls on the Marion Center and tears the roof







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