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Behavioral Trends. ADHD & Diet  Effects of sugar (sucrose) on behavioral changes in children with ADHD.  Research findings related to behavioral changes.

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Presentation on theme: "Behavioral Trends. ADHD & Diet  Effects of sugar (sucrose) on behavioral changes in children with ADHD.  Research findings related to behavioral changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Behavioral Trends

2 ADHD & Diet  Effects of sugar (sucrose) on behavioral changes in children with ADHD.  Research findings related to behavioral changes and symptoms of children with ADHD related to sugar consumption.

3 Established Psychological Theory  Sugar (sucrose) affects the behavior in children with ADHD Getty images, 2010

4 Theory  Sugar (sucrose) affects the behavior of children with ADHD Emotional Behaviors ‾ Irritability ‾ Emotional Disturbances Physical Behaviors ‾ Hyperactivity

5 Hypothesis  Regulating the amount of sugar and sucrose in a child’s diet will decrease their behavioral symptoms. Getty Images, 2010

6 Independent Variables  Independent Variables Regulated amounts of sugar and sucrose Eliminate sugar and sucrose Anchorage Daily News, 2008

7 Dependent Variables  Dependent Variables ADHD symptoms decrease ADHD symptoms diminish, 2010

8 Recruitment  Recruitment 30 children with DSM-IV diagnosed with ADHD Sucrose control group Restricted diet control group TSH, 2007

9 Method M & H Enterprises, 2010  Design and Procedure Allocation Measurement Specific dietary restrictions Questionnaires

10 Method (contd.) Edits Made Easy, 2010  Statistical Analysis Quantitative Qualitative  Results Outcomes Study limitations

11 Ethical Standards  The Diagnoses  Informed Consent  Confidentiality Microsoft Office, 2003

12 Conclusion  Hyperactivity in children with ADHD  Research experiments  Feingold’s food additives experiment  Proposed research, n.d.

13 References ADHD-Hope. (n.d.). [Photograph of parents kissing child]. ADHD Hope. Retrieved June 27, 2010, from Anchorage Daily News (2008). [Photograph of Overload icecream box with toy on skateboard]. Make sure the first meal of the day is a healthy one. Retrieved June 26, 2010, from Benton, D. (2008). Sucrose and Behavioral Problems. Critical Reviews in Food Science & Nutrition, 48(5), 385-401. doi:10.1080/10408390701407316. Edits Made Easy. (2010). [Photograph of statistical analysis]. Statistical analysis services. Retrieved June, 26, 2010, from 2009/04/statistical-analysis-services.jpg Food for the Brain (2010). [Photograph of boy eating apple]. Smart food smart kids shopping guide. Retrieved June 26, 2010, from Getty Images. (2010). [Photographs of children Psychology theory]. Retrieved from

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15 References Savage, T. A. (1996, May-June). “Ethical issues surrounding attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”. Pediatric Nursing. 22(3), 239-. Retrieved from General Onefile via Gale: retrieve&tabID=T002&prodId=AONE&docId=A19029156&source=gale&srcprod =AONE&userGroupName=apollo&version=1.0 Singh, I. (2005). Will the "real boy" please behave: dosing dilemmas for parents of boys with ADHD. The American Journal Of Bioethics: AJOB, 5(3), 34-47. Retrieved from MEDLINE with Full Text database. Stare, F., Whelan, E., & Sheridan, M. (1980). Diet and Hyperactivity: Is There a Relationship?. Pediatrics, 66(4), 521. Retrieved from 46c4-93fc-4a41a1b0ffe8%40sessionmgr110 46c4-93fc-4a41a1b0ffe8%40sessionmgr110

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