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The Role of the Human Resources Manager

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Presentation on theme: "The Role of the Human Resources Manager"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Role of the Human Resources Manager

2 Your Group Task: Each group will be assigned a different “Human Resources Role” (pages ) Your group must use today’s class to prepare a brief lesson about the HR Role assigned to your group Review the slide in this presentation that outlines the information you must include in your lesson You are expected to find more information about your topic using the Internet/other sources

3 Your Group Task: Your presentation must include an activity or interactive component to engage the class You will present for the class on ________ You may use any method to present Please submit any visuals to me that you are planning to use If you have a handout, please give me 1 day notice to photocopy for the class

4 Roles of the HR Manager Determining the need for a new employee
Looking for the right employee Application process Interview process Job training Employee development Keeping good employees Departures, Dismissals and Retirement

5 Role #1 - Determine the need for a new employee
Must forecast employee turnover Review definition of this What does employee turnover depend on? The difference between hiring internally/externally

6 Role #2 – Look for the Right Employee
Write a job description Provide an example of what a job description contains Outline places to search for applicants

7 Role #3 – Application Process
Completed application form Provide examples of application forms Cover letter asking for interview Explain the purpose and format Resume Outline what should be contained in the resume

8 Role #4 – Interview Process
Conducted by HR manager and the relevant department manager Ask questions to determine the applicant’s personality, work habits, values, interests May be many rounds of interviews Reference check conducted

9 Role #5 – Job Training Orientation Definition and explanation Training

10 Role #6 – Employee Development
Ongoing training for all employees Explain when this is required/examples Explain methods used to carry out employee development

11 Role #7 – Keep Good Employees
Explain why it is so important to do this Many companies offer perks Explain perks and how they help retain good employees

12 Role #8 - Departures, Dismissals and Retirements
The HR department tires to make this transition as smooth as possible 1. Departures Definition The definition and purpose of an exit interview (include the types of questions one may ask and why)

13 Role #8 - Continued 2. Dismissals Definition
Purpose of ‘correction interview’ Explanation of a severance package 3. Retirement Definition and explanation

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