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Chapter 7 Professional and Social Communication How to responsibly communicate with others.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Professional and Social Communication How to responsibly communicate with others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Professional and Social Communication How to responsibly communicate with others

2 Learning Objectives Understanding the importance of assertiveness, courtesy, and tact when dealing with people. Use professional etiquette and protocol in certain situations. Know the value of appropriate dress, language, and behavior in social and business situations.

3 Learning Objectives Realize the benefits of understanding diversity/“difference”, particularly, when is involves gender, ethnicity, and age. Use effective communications to build positive professional and social interpersonal relationships.

4 What can you do to show respect? Look people in the eye when talking to them. Offer a firm handshake. Introduce people. Quit talking when the person in charge is ready to begin.

5 Considering Your Tone Aggressive tone –My way or the highway –Wants to win at all costs Nonassertive tone –Doesn’t talk much –Backs down –Hard to read Assertive tone –Direct, but tactful –Considers location, timing, intensity, relationships –Solves problems

6 People Skills An ability to work well with others because you take the time to make them feel at ease by knowing and apply polite communication procedures such as 1) making introductions, 2) participating in conversations, 3) offering and receiving criticism 4) giving directions.

7 –Address people by name. –State what you are doing. –Introduce others. –Make connections. –Make people feel included. Introductions

8 What are Conversation Blockers? Talking too much Talking too little Interrupting

9 Criticism Constructive I’d like for you to- …pay greater attention to detail. …be on time more often. …show more initiative. Destructive – You are so careless and sloppy! – You are always late. – You’re lazy.

10 How to receive criticism Maintain composure Listen – until they finish Listen – don’t interrupt Listen – what did they really say Ask questions – after they finish Thank the person for their thoughts and observations

11 ABCs of Directions A lways B e C lear C omplete C oncise C onsiderate

12 Language and Dress What are different social settings people experience and how should they dress for them? Do different setting require different types of speech?

13 Types of Language Informal Language –For friends –Includes slang and insider terms Technical Language –Used on the job –Uses abbreviations and terms Standard Language –Commonly accepted –Used in school and on the job –Uses proper grammar and sentence structure

14 Dress Adapt to the occasion. –Be as dressed as those around you. Respect your employer expectations. Maintain professionalism. Be neat and well groomed.

15 Respect Difference Age Age Gender Gender Ethnicity Ethnicity

16 Why? Women spend 85% of consumer $ Older Americans spend more than $600 billion each year 32 million people in the U.S. speak a language other than English People spend 70% of their time interacting with others

17 How to Promote Diversity Be open-minded Be tolerant Be empathetic

18 New Speech Terms Social communication Professional communication ProtocolChain-of-commandCourtesyTactTone Aggressive tone Nonassertive tone Assertive tone People Skills Dialogue Informal language Standard language Technical language

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