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The Soviet Union under Stalin Stalin's control over Russia meant that freedom was the one thing that people lost. Artists painted pictures glorifying Stalin.

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Presentation on theme: "The Soviet Union under Stalin Stalin's control over Russia meant that freedom was the one thing that people lost. Artists painted pictures glorifying Stalin."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Soviet Union under Stalin Stalin's control over Russia meant that freedom was the one thing that people lost. Artists painted pictures glorifying Stalin and he dominated many pictures. He gained the nickname "Uncle Joe" which was an attempt to develop an image of a kind, homely man who was the ‘father’ of all Russians.

2 The Soviet Union under Stalin BUT: the country did become a major industrial nation by 1939 and her progress was unmatched in the era of the Depression in America and western Europe where millions were unemployed. People had access to much better medical care some 10 years before the National Health Service was introduced in GB.

3 The Soviet Union under Stalin The Five-Year Plan – Reasons 1. To make the USSR stronger than other countries - By modernizing USSR’s economy through rapid industrialization. -Was behind the other countries -Had to recover from effects of war

4 The Soviet Union under Stalin The Five-Year Plan – Reasons 2. To make the USSR a socialist country -Farming and industry in the hands of the country.

5 The Soviet Union under Stalin The Five-Year Plan – Reasons 3. To catch up with other countries and defend against foreign attacks. -Western countries did not trust USSR -Was threatened in 1927 –Britain and China -USSR surrounded by countries which hated Communism – Poland, Finland and Romania

6 The Soviet Union under Stalin The Five-Year Plan – Reasons 4. To get the support for the Communists through the workers and eliminate remaining opposition.

7 The Soviet Union under Stalin Features of the Five-Year Plans 1.Developing Industries -Heavy industries such as iron and steel. -Producing energy for factories eg. Coal, oil and electricity -Methods: Modernised existing industries Set up new industries Relocated industries to more areas Used a huge labour force

8 The Soviet Union under Stalin Results for the industries Stalin’s aims for the major industries -Triple output of heavy industries -Double output of Consumer goods industries -Electrical energy to rise sixfold

9 The Soviet Union under Stalin Results for the industries -Doubled coal, iron and electricity production -Oil production increased -Completed huge projects – Stalingrad Tractor Works, Magnitogorsk metal industry

10 The Soviet Union under Stalin Features of the Five-Year Plans 2. Aim: To build roads, canals and railways in order - to link mines and factories to town - transport foodstuff to the towns Used many workers, mainly prisoners in labour camps.

11 The Soviet Union under Stalin Features of the Five-Year Plans Undertook 3 ambitious projects: -The Baltic-White Sea Canal -The Moscow Volga Canal -The Turkestan-Siberian Railway

12 The Soviet Union under Stalin How were the workers affected by the Plan Aim: To fulfil the targets set up by 5 yr plan Introduced new work practices -Introduced ‘uninterrupted work week -Punished absenteeism with sack and eviction from housing -Encouraged competition between factories -Introduced internal passports to prevent workers from moving to other towns to look for easier jobs

13 The Soviet Union under Stalin How were the workers affected by the Plan Stakhonovite

14 The Soviet Union under Stalin How were the workers affected by the Plan Created the Stakhanovite - Form Aleksei Stakhanovite who worked out a new way to extract coal and extracted 14 times more. -Became a title given to any worker who produced above targets -Rewards – Higher pays, extra food, new housing, medals and special holidays.

15 The Soviet Union under Stalin Effects of 5 Yr Plan Short-term effects 1.Standard of living so worsened. no consumer goods, more industrial products. 2. Consumer goods became scarce 3. Workers treated badly 4. Massive movement of peasants into cities.

16 The Soviet Union under Stalin Effects of 5 Yr Plan Long-term effects Huge increases in production of oil, coal, electricity. Transformed USSR into an industrial country Made Russia better-off -Standard of living improved in mid 1930s with better education and medical cure -Everyone had jobs.

17 The Soviet Union under Stalin Effects of 5 Yr Plan Long-term effects Enabled Russia to defend itself better -Could manufacture war equipment -Had moved war industrial centres away from the west into more secure areas.

18 The Soviet Union under Stalin The collectivisation campaign in the USSR, 1930s. The slogan reads: "We kolkhoz farmers are liquidating the kulaks as a class, on the basis of complete collectivisation."

19 The Soviet Union under Stalin 3. Collectivization How is collectivization organised? Small farms grouped into larger units Run by party officials State Part of the produce given to state/ Sold to state at fixed low prices

20 The Soviet Union under Stalin 3. Collectivization Reasons for collectivization To make farming more efficient by introduction of mechanisation. To free up workers for factories in the cities To increase food production for the workers in the cities To produce surplus food and sell it abroad for capital to build new industries NOTE: The first collective farms called the Kolkhoz

21 The Soviet Union under Stalin 3. Collectivization Opposition to Collectivization The Kulaks: Were richer farmers who owned land and some animals - slaughtered animals - burnt land and crops Stalin decided to get rid (liquidate) the kulaks - sent to labour camps/gulags - Deported to Siberia or deserts of Central Asia Result: About 13m kulak families died.

22 The Soviet Union under Stalin 3. Collectivization Effects to Collectivization Short Term effects Kulaks destroyed animals and crops, leading to famines. Famines, especially in southern Russia – 7m people died. Fall in standard of living in the countryside as food/clothing were scarce.

23 The Soviet Union under Stalin 3. Collectivization Effects to Collectivization Long Term effects Mechanisation, leading to - more efficient farming - less labour needed on farms - freed farm workers to work in factories Speeded industralisation Helped USSR to become better-off - End 1930: USSR, 1 of the leading industrial powers. - Able to defeat Germany in WWII.

24 The Soviet Union under Stalin 3. Collectivization

25 The Soviet Union under Stalin Stalin’s purges Aims: Remove anyone who threatened Stalin’s position. : Terrorise people into obeying orders and to work hard Immediate Cause - The Kirov murder of 1934 – Stalin claimed the murder was a conspiracy against himself and the Communist Party – Stalin passed a law to arrest and execute anyone found to be against the govt.

26 The Soviet Union under Stalin Stalin’s purges How Stalin dealt with opposition -1934-38: Victims were arrested, imprisoned, murdered, sent to labour camps or simply disappeared. -Included party members, scientists, priests, factory managers, army officers -Started a series of show trials where the accused were forced to publicly confess to their crimes -Eg. Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin.

27 The Soviet Union under Stalin Effects of Stalin’s purges 1.Stalin became more powerful -Got rid of rivals and critics -Ensured no one would challenge him (even in WWII when USSR was doing badly) 2. USSR weakened -Removed capable leaders in the army -Replaced leaders with younger less experienced officials. -Led to Russia’s early defeats against Germany

28 The Soviet Union under Stalin Effects of Stalin’s purges 3. Made life miserable and difficult for ordinary citizens. 4. Damage to Stalins reputation 5. Slowing down of industrial expansion due to purging of scientists, engineers and factory managers 6. Gaps in the govt as party officials, administrators and politicians were purged.

29 The Soviet Union under Stalin Life for the people in Stalin’s USSR Freedom of Speech denied Education and all forms of media controlled by NKVD. Posters, radio broadcasts & press emphasized loyalty to the party and Stalin Artists, musicians and performers had to please Stalin with their work Created cult of Stalin

30 The Soviet Union under Stalin Life for the people in Stalin’s USSR Created cult of Stalin -Displayed portraits in public places -Named towns, cities, schools and rivers after Stalin Encouraged worship of Stalin but discouraged other forms of religion -Closed down churches and mosques -Arrested Church leaders.

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