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MY FAVOURITE ANIMALS  NAME:Andrew Nagaitsev  Form: 4 “A”  Teacher: Safonova V.G.

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Presentation on theme: "MY FAVOURITE ANIMALS  NAME:Andrew Nagaitsev  Form: 4 “A”  Teacher: Safonova V.G."— Presentation transcript:

1 MY FAVOURITE ANIMALS  NAME:Andrew Nagaitsev  Form: 4 “A”  Teacher: Safonova V.G.

2 2 ANIMALS: Wild animals Wild animals Sea animals Sea animals Domestic animals Domestic animals Pets Pets

3 WILD ANIMALS Some wild animals live in the forest. They are bears, lions, tigers, elephants, monkeys, camels, kangaroos. My favourite wild animals are tigers. They are beautiful and very graceful. I can see them at the zoo.

4 SEA ANIMALS Other animals live in the water. They are dolphins, whales, sharks, hippos and crocodiles. My favourite sea animals are sharks. White sharks are very fast and aggressive.

5 DOMESTIC ANIMALS Domestic animals live on the farm. They are cows, horses, sheep, goats and pigs. My favourite domestic animals are sheep.

6 PETS Pets live in our houses and flats. They are cats, dogs, hamsters and parrots. My favourite pets are dogs. I have a dog shpits. His name is Hatiko. He is 1 year and 5 months old. He is little. He has got small ears ans a bushy tail.


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