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Hectors Dolphins.

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Presentation on theme: "Hectors Dolphins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hectors Dolphins

2 Why are the Hectors dolphins endangered and what are some threats to them?
There are only about Hectors dolphins left in the water, why is this happening? Read on to find out! Hectors Dolphins commonly eat our pollution that we leave around beaches and coasts and get sick or die from it. They also are getting killed by commercial and recreational gill and trawl nets. The Hectors dolphin can’t detect a gill net so it will accidently swim into it. The dolphins can also get hit by boat motors.

3 Where in NZ do the hectors dolphins live?
Hectors dolphins live on the coast of the New Zealand South Island. Some of the best places to see the Hectors Dolphin are at Banks Peninsula and at the Akaroa and Lyttelton Harbours The purple outline is where the dolphins live.

4 What are some about them?
Their bodies are dark grey and they have black and markings. They are the only dolphin that has a rounded dorsal fin. Hectors dolphins have short snouts. They are so small that they could fit in a bathtub!

5 Other Facts They eat arrow squid, Ahuru, red cod, sole, yellow-eyed mullet, stargazer and sprat.The dolphins use echo location to find food which is where they send out clicks listening for echoes. The echoes tell them how far away the fish is. Hectors Dolphins live around 20 years. Hectors Dolphins live around 20 years Some of the predators of the dolphin are Orcas and Seven gill sharks.

6 What is different about a Hector's Dolphins dorsal fin?
What is the longest length that they can grow? What is the estimated population? Name two things a Hector's Dolphin eats? How do they catch fish in the murky waters? What natural predators do the Hector's Dolphin have?

7 1 The dorsal fin is rounded 2 They can grow up to 1
1 The dorsal fin is rounded 2 They can grow up to 1.4 meters 3 There are about 7500 dolphins left 4 They eat arrow squid, Ahuru, red cod, sole, yellow-eyed mullet, stargazer and sprat. 5 They use a method called echo location 6 Some predators of the Hectors dolphin are the Orca and the seven gilled shark.

8 References Websites

9 Thank you for reading my Presentation about Hectors Dolphins
I hope you enjoyed it and learnt a lot!

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