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Gauteng Provincial Government M&E System Presentation to the Public Service M&E Learning Network, 14-15 May 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Gauteng Provincial Government M&E System Presentation to the Public Service M&E Learning Network, 14-15 May 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gauteng Provincial Government M&E System Presentation to the Public Service M&E Learning Network, 14-15 May 2007

2 Strategic Approach In contributing to the national effort of halving unemployment and poverty by 2014, the EXCO identified the following strategic priorities: –Enabling faster economic growth and job creation –Fighting poverty and building safe, secure and sustainable communities –Developing healthy, skilled and productive people –Deepening democracy and promoting constitutional rights –Building an effective and caring government

3 M&E System Design Monitoring takes place against the backdrop of GPG’s planning cycle Planning is: –Guided by political priorities as set out in the Five-Year Programme of Action for 2004 - 2009 –Regulated by the provincial Treasury cycle requirements

4 GPG Planning Cycle 1st Exco Retreat – April –Review and status quo analysis –Identification of delivery and political priorities for the political term & MTEF cycle 1st Budget Lekgotla – June –Prioritize, link cabinet priorities to resource allocations, leading to indicative planning allocations –Followed by departments engaging in micro prioritization process working within indicative allocations 2nd Exco Retreat – September –Identifies gaps (July Cabinet Lekgotla decisions) and other emerging priorities –Consolidates and formalises strategic priorities and programs for the coming year and the MTEF cycle Budget Interrogations – September (ensures alignment between budget and political priorities) 2nd Budget Lekgotla – October –Finalisation of allocations of the Budget for the MTEF cycle Premier’s State of the Province Address – February Provincial Budget Speech – February (a week later)

5 M&E System Design The current M&E system monitors the following: Implementation of the GPG Five-Year Programme of Action Commitments made by the Premier in his annual Opening of Legislature speeches; Implementation of key cross cutting issues including job creation, gender, disability, youth, children, and HIV&AIDS A set of 54 Key Performance Indicators which measures key aspects of programmes and the impact of GPG programmes; Key commitments made by MEC’s and the Premier at public meetings (Izimbizo) Relevant commitments for GPG made by the President in his annual State of the Nation addresses

6 National and Provincial Priorities Programme Formulation (POA) Commitments Indicators and Milestones Inter- Departmental Coordination Reporting Monitoring (Feedback and Support)

7 M&E System Process National and provincial priorities –Planning guided by 5YR POA Programme of Action for the Province and political priorities as determined by EXCO Planning and formulation of POA –Alignment of National and Provincial Priorities with strategic plans –Formulate specific objectives and outputs –Capture objectives and outputs –Revise strategic and operational plans Commitments –Extract commitments from the Opening of Legislature speech and validate with EXCO members. –Capture commitments

8 M&E System Process Indicators and Milestones –Formulate specific indicators and milestones Inter-departmental coordination –Solicit Agreement on Roles and Responsibilities Reporting –Submission of progress reports –Analysis of information –Provision of feedback –Production of monitoring report –Tabling of quarterly report at HOD Forum/EXCO for approval –Publishing on the GPG portal

9 Gap Analysis Province-Wide M&E Framework M&E Capacity Quality of information Alignment issues: –GWM&E Framework and 5yr Strategic Agenda of Local Government –Programme Evaluation and Budget Analysis (PEBA) –Revised cluster system –Provincial service delivery objectives Monitoring of EXCO and Makgotla resolutions Feedback mechanism Verification system

10 Way Forward State of readiness (being undertaken) Development of a PWM&E Framework Development of a M&E plans Provincial capacity building initiatives Continue with the GPG M&E Forum to share information and knowledge

11 Thank you

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