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Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July All Hands on Deck: Bringing GIPA into Organizational Governance Models for Representation of People.

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Presentation on theme: "Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July All Hands on Deck: Bringing GIPA into Organizational Governance Models for Representation of People."— Presentation transcript:

1 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July All Hands on Deck: Bringing GIPA into Organizational Governance Models for Representation of People Living with HIV and Affected Communities

2 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July WELCOME Please take a moment to think about your experiences engaging people living with HIV and key populations in organizational governance. Card 1– Write one key issue that you are most concerned about or that you find challenging Card 2 – List any resources or tool kits to share with the participants

3 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Inclusive Representation in Decision-Making for Historically Marginalized Groups in HIV Work Models and Key Factors

4 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Inclusion of People Living with HIV and Affected Communities Historically excluded communities Legitimate reasons for mistrust –Government officials –Medical providers Requires: RespectHonesty PatienceEquality Reflection…

5 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July WHY bring these hands on deck? HUMAN RIGHTS Democratic rights to participation –Involved in distribution of burdens and benefits Recognition as integral and valued members of the community –PLHIV and affected communities are part of the solution –Stigma reduction

6 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July WHY bring these hands on deck? EFFECTIVENESS Knowledge of affected communities Enhances community support and sustainability Increases democratic legitimacy and accountability Builds capacity: –affected populations –government, researchers, and healthcare workers

7 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Key Factors Non-tokenism Capacity-building Confidentiality and safety Diversity within groups/sub-populations Conflict resolution mechanisms Anti-oppression approaches to governance and communication

8 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Key Factors: Relationships Trust-building between communities and organization Accountability between communities and representatives Cross-community relationship building

9 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July

10 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Structures for representative processes Open seats Formal reserved seats: –affected communities –subpopulations Equal status (50% reserved seats) Core-observer Caucuses Delegations

11 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July More processes for increasing meaningful inclusion Community participatory education and selection Incentives and performance indicators for staff Publishing the words of affected community members Forums and pre-meetings of members of marginalized groups Community-level initiation of strategic documents Counter (Shadow) Reports Commit to Free, Prior, Informed Consent (FPIC)

12 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Addressing Key Challenges in Putting GIPA/MIPA into Practice Group Work

13 Washington D.C., USA, 22-27 July Discussion Guide Select a note taker and someone to report back. Answer the following for your set of issues: –What do you see as the key points of concern? (Try to select 3.) –Do you know of any successful examples? –Brainstorm ideas. What do you see as the most promising or most creative ideas? –What resources or conditions do you need to put in place for these to happen? –What additional information do you need?

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