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1 P-GRADE Portal tutorial at EGEE'09 Gergely Sipos MTA SZTAKI EGEE Training and Induction.

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Presentation on theme: "1 P-GRADE Portal tutorial at EGEE'09 Gergely Sipos MTA SZTAKI EGEE Training and Induction."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 P-GRADE Portal tutorial at EGEE'09 Gergely Sipos MTA SZTAKI EGEE Training and Induction EGEE Application Porting Support

2 2 Agenda of the morning Introduction to workflow concept Workflow hands-on ~ Break Parameter studies Parameter study hands-on Further information and next steps

3 3 Workflow The automation of a business process, in whole or part, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules to achieve, or contribute to, an overall business goal. Workflow management system (WFMS) is the software that does it Workflow Reference Model, 19/11/1998

4 4 Why use workflows in Grid? Build distributed applications through orchestration of multiple services A single job or a single service is good for nothing… Integration of multiple teams involved Collaborative work Unit of reusage (E-)science requires traceable, repetable analysis (Typically) ease of use grids Graphical representation

5 5 Grid Workflow definition examples Grid workflow can be defined as the composition of grid application services which execute on heterogeneous and distributed resources in a well-defined order to accomplish a specific goal. R. Buyya The automation of the processes, which involves the orchestration of a set of Grid services, agents and actors that must be combined together to solve a problem or to define a new service. Geoffrey Fox [GGF 10]

6 6 25 x 10 x 25 x 5 x Forecasting dangerous weather situations (storms, fog, etc.), crucial task in the protection of life and property Processed information: surface level measurements, high- altitude measurements, radar, satellite, lightning, results of previous computed models Requirements: Execution time < 10 min High resolution (1km) Example: Ultra-short range weather forecast with P-GRADE Portal Execution on a GT2 based Hungarian Grid

7 7 Montage application ~7,000 compute jobs in instance ~10,000 nodes in the executable workflow same number of clusters as processors speedup of ~15 on 32 processors Example: Montage workflow with Pegasus (and DAGMan) Pegasus: a Framework for Mapping Complex Scientific Workflows onto Distributed Systems, Ewa Deelman, Gurmeet Singh, Mei-Hui Su, James Blythe, Yolanda Gil, Carl Kesselman, Gaurang Mehta, Karan Vahi, G. Bruce Berriman, John Good, Anastasia Laity, Joseph C. Jacob, Daniel S. Katz, Scientific Programming Journal, Volume 13, Number 3, 2005 Tasks run on NSF’s TeraGrid

8 8 Example: CancerGrid workflow with gUSE (and WS-PGRADE) 1 1 x1x1 N xNxN NxM xNxN N xNxN N Generator job N=20e-30e, M=100  ~2.7 billion tasks !!! Generator job 1 CancerGrid Portal Workflow is hidden from end users Tasks run on Desktop Grids and RDBMS

9 9 Grid WFMS Source: Jia Yu and Rajkumar Buyya: A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing, Journal of Grid Computing, Volume 3, Numbers 3-4 / September, 2005Volume 3, Numbers 3-4 / September, 2005

10 10 What does a typical Grid WFMS provide? A level of abstraction above grid processes –gridftp, lcg-cr, lfc-mkdir,... –condor-submit, globus-job-run, glite-wms-job-submit,... –lcg-infosites,... A level of abstraction above „legacy processes” –SQL read/write –HTTP file transfer –... Automated mapping and execution of tasks grid resources –Submission of jobs –Invocation of (Web) services –Manage data –Catalog intermediate and final data products Improve successful application execution Improve application performance Provide provenance tracking capabilities

11 11 What does a typical grid workflow consist of? Dataflow graph Activities –Definition of Jobs –Specification of services Data channels –Data transfer –Coordination Cyclic (DAG) /acyclic Conditional statements

12 12 Data lifecycle in workflows Workflow Creation Workflow Mapping and Execution Workflow Reuse

13 13 User interaction Workflow Creation Workflow Mapping and Execution Workflow Reuse WF definition tools WF enactment service Storages, Catalogs

14 14 Layered architecture of WFMS Grid scheduler e.g. Condor Schedd Reliable, scalable execution of independent tasks (locally, across the network), priorities, scheduling WF scheduler e.g. Condor DAGMan Reliable and scalable execution of dependent tasks WF optimizer e.g. Pegasus Mapper A decision system that develops strategies for reliable and efficient execution in a variety of environments Cyberinfrastructure: Cluster, Condor pool, OSG, EGEE, TeraGrid Abstract Workflow Results

15 15 (Some of the) available grid workflow systems (Some of the) available grid workflow systems Categories for –Composition tools –Description languages Scientific Industrial Formalism –Engines Some relevant tools for ARC, gLite, Globus, UNICORE grid users Condor DAGMan –Used as an enactor in P-GRADE Portal, Pegasus, … –Uses DAGMan WF language (DAG = Directed Acyclic Graph) MOTEUR –Interfaced with “pilot job” framework on EGEE (pull style job execution) –Uses SCUFL WF language gLite WMS –Describe workflows in JDL –Share Input-Output sandboxes with multiple jobs Taverna –Mainly for cluster computing –ARC interface is available by Lubeck University …

16 16 P-GRADE Portal A Grid WFMS

17 17 Short History of P-GRADE portal Parallel Grid Application Development Environment Initial development started in the Hungarian SuperComputing Grid project in 2003 It has been continuously developed since 2003 Around 30 manyear development + training + user support Detailed information: Open Source community development since January 2008: Current version: 2.8

18 18 Current P-GRADE Portal related projects GGF GIN (Since 2006) –Providing the GIN Resource Testing portal EU EGEE-II, EGEE-III (2006-2010) –Tool recommended for application development –Intensively used in new users’ training EU SEE-GRID-SCI (2008-2010) –Interfacing to DSpace-based workflow storage –Infrastructure testing workflows EU CancerGrid (2007-2009) –Development of new generation P-GRADE (gUSE and WS-PGRADE) –Integration with desktop grids EU EDGeS (2008-2009) –Transparent access to Desktop Grid systems

19 19 Portal installations P-GRADE Portal services: –SEE-GRID infrastructure –Several VOs of EGEE: Biomed, Astronomy, Central European, NA4,... –GILDA: Training VO of EGEE –Many national Grids (UK National Grid Service, HunGrid, Turkish Grid, etc.) –US Open Science Grid, TeraGrid –OGF Grid Interoperability Now (GIN) VO –… Portal services and account request: Account request form on portal login page

20 20 Multi-Grid portal installation:

21 21 Design principles of P-GRADE portal P-GRADE Portal is not only a user interface, it is a –General purpose –Workflow-level –Multi-Grid –Application Development and Execution Environment P-GRADE Portal includes a high-level middleware layer for orchestrating jobs on grid resources –inside a grid –among several different grids (and several VOs) P-GRADE Portal is grid-neutral: –Unlike many existing grid portals it is not tailored to any particular grid type –Can be connected to various grids based on different grid middleware LCG-2, gLite, GT2, GT4, ARC, Unicore, etc. –Implements the high-level grid middleware services on top of the existing grid middleware services –The workflow interface is the same no matter which type of grid is connected to it

22 22 What is a P-GRADE Portal workflow? A directed acyclic graph where –Nodes represent jobs (batch programs to be executed on a computing element) –Ports represent input/output files the jobs expect/produce –Arcs represent file transfer operations semantics of the workflow: –A job can be executed if all of its input files are available

23 23 Three levels of parallelism – – PS workflow level: Parameter study execution of the workflow – – Workflow level: Parallel execution among workflow nodes (WF branch parallelism) Multiple jobs run parallel Each job can be a parallel program – – Job level: Parallel execution inside a workflow node (MPI job as workflow component) Multiple instances of the same workflow process different data files

24 24 ~100 independent jobs to run Example: Computational Chemistry Department of Chemistry, University of Perugia SOLUTION OF SCHRODINGER EQUATION FOR TRIATOMIC SYSTEMS USING TIME- DEPENDENT (RWAVEPR) OR TIME INDEPENDENT (ABC) METHOD A single execution can be between 5 hours and 10 hours SEQUENTIAL FORTRAN 90 Many simulations at the same time Full story: EGEE Grid Application Porting Support -

25 25 Typical user scenario Job compilation phase Portal server Grid services DOWNLOAD BINARI(ES) UPLOAD JOB SOURCE(S) Client COMPILE – EDIT

26 26 Typical user scenario Workflow development phase Portal server Grid services START EDITOR OPEN & EDIT WORKFLOW ADD BINARIES SAVE WORKFLOW Client DSpace WF repository IMPORT WORKFLOW

27 27 MyProxy Certificate servers Portal server Grid services TRANSFER FILES, SUBMIT JOBS DOWNLOAD (SMALL) RESULTS Typical user scenarios Workflow execution phase VISUALIZE JOBS and WORKFLOW PROGRESS MONITOR JOBS DOWNLOAD PROXY CERTIFICATES Client

28 28 Accessing local and remote files Portal server Grid services Computing elements Storage elements and File catalogs REMOTE INPUT FILES REMOTE OUTPUT FILES LOCAL INPUT FILES & EXECUTABLES LOCAL OUTPUT FILES LOCAL INPUT FILES & EXECUTABLES LOCAL OUTPUT FILES Only the permanent files! Use legacy executables with Grid files without touching the code

29 29 Extended DAGMan Java Webstart workflow editor Web browser EGEE, Globus (and ARC) Grid services + MyProxy service (gLite WMS, LFC,…; Globus GRAM, …) Globus and gLite command line clients + scripts P-GRADE Portal structural overview Extended DAGMan WF specification Globus GIIS gLite BDII DSpace repository

30 30 Web interface - Portlets

31 31 Email notifications NOTIFY

32 32 Workflow portlet WORKFLOW EDITOR

33 33 Graphical workflow editing To define a graph: 1.Drag & drop components: jobs and ports 2.Define their properties 3.Connect ports by channels (no cycles, no loops) System generates JDL for each job automatically

34 34 Workflow Editor Properties of a job Properties of a job: Executable file Type of executable (Sequential / Parallel) Command line parameters Which resource to use? Which VO? Broker or Computing element?

35 35 Workflow Editor Defining input-output files File properties Type: input: the executable reads output: the executable generates File type: local: comes from my desktop remote: comes from an SE File: location of the file Internal file name: Executable uses this e.g. fopen(“”, …) File storage type (output files only): Permanent: final result Volatile: temp. data channel

36 36 Client side location: result.dat LFC logical file name (LFC file catalog is required – EGEE VOs) lfn:/grid/gilda/sipos/11-04_-_result.dat GridFTP address (in Globus Grids): gsi Local file Remote file How to refer to an I/O file? Client side location: c:\experiments\11-04.dat LFC logical file name (LFC file catalog is required – EGEE VOs) lfn:/grid/gilda/sipos/11-04.dat GridFTP address (in Globus Grids): gsi Input fileOutput file

37 37 Upload a workflow from client side or from FTP server UPLOAD STORED on FTP server

38 38 Importing an application INCOMPLETE WORKFLOW  Open it in editor and save it again

39 39 Import a workflow from DSpace repository

40 40 External access to DSpace

41 41 Certificate and proxy management Portlet

42 42 OGF GIN interoperability portal by P-GRADE Acccessing Globus, gLite and ARC based grids/VOs simultaneously P-GRADE portal Proxy 1 Proxy 2 Proxy 5 Proxy 4 Proxy 3 Proxy 6

43 43 Application execution

44 44 Fault-tolerant execution Utilizing –Condor DAGMan’s rescue mechanism –EGEE job resubmission mechanism of WMS If the EGEE broker leaves a job stuck in a CEs’ queue, the portal automatically –kills the job on this site and –resubmits the job to the broker by prohibiting this site. As a result –the portal guarantees the correct submission of a job as long as there exists at least one matching resource –job submission is reliable even in an unreliable grid

45 45 Information system visualization

46 46 LFC-SE file browser portlet

47 47 Compilation support


49 49 From workflows to parameter studies Advanced execution patterns

50 50 Scaling up a workflow to a parameter study Complete workflow P-GRADE Portal: Files in the same LFC catalog (e.g. /grid/gilda/sipos/myinputs ) P-GRADE Portal: Results produced in the same catalog

51 51 Advanced parameter studies Generator component(s) Initial input data Generate or cut input into smaller pieces Collector component(s) Aggregate result Complete workflow P-GRADE Portal: Files in the same LFC catalog (e.g. /grid/gilda/sipos/myinputs ) P-GRADE Portal: Results produced in the same catalog

52 52 Concept of parameter study workflows GEN SEQ COLL SEQ Parameter study part Collector part evaluates and integrates the results Generator part generates the input parameter space

53 53 Turning a WF into a parameter study By switching at least one of the open input ports into a “PS Input port” the WF is turned into a Parameter Study

54 54 Input-output files are stored in SEs /grid/gilda/sipos/InputImages Image.0 Image.1 /grid/gilda/sipos/XCoordinates XCoordinate.0 XCoordinate.1 /grid/gilda/sipos/YCoordinates YCoordinate.0 YCoordinate.1 /grid/gilda/sipos/Output ImagePart.0 ImagePart.1... 2 x 2 x 2 = 8 execution of the whole workflow CROSS PRODUCT of data items

55 55 A B Typical data-flow compositions A X B M WF A1A1 A2A2 A3A3 B1B1 B2B2 B3B3 {A 1, A 2, A 3 }{B 1, B 2, B 3 } X WF A1A1 A2A2 A3A3 B1B1 B2B2 B3B3 {A 1, A 2, A 3 } {B 1, B 2, B 3 } dot iterator: one-to-one cross iterator: all-to-all WF AiAi BjBj {A 1, A 2, A 3 } match iterator If A i and B j have a common ancestor {B 1, B 2, B 3 } A M B CROSS ITERATORDOT ITERATOR MATCH ITERATOR Find these in e.g. TAVERNA, MOTEUR P-GRADE Portal supports this

56 56 PS Input Port Grid Directory instead of FILE reference

57 57 Parameter generator Generator can be attached to any parameter input port Generator can be Auto generator: to generate text files Custom generator: to generate any content Generated files are moved into SE by the portal

58 58 Definition Window of Auto Generator Job User defines the template of the text file User puts key(s) into the template User defines values for the key(s) Integer number Real number Custom set …

59 59 Placement of result

60 60 Will contain one compressed file for each execution of the workflow. Use the default value! Choose a „reliable” Storage Element Placement of result

61 61 Executing PS workflows PS Details for parameter sweep workflows applications

62 62 Detailed view of a PS workflow Workflow instances Overall statistics of workflow instances Collector job(s) Generator job(s)


64 64 Thank you! Learn once, use everywhere Develop once, execute anywhere

65 65 Backup slides to answer questions

66 66 Proxy delegations MyProxy server P-GRADE Portal server GILDA services Proxy VOMS server Proxy VOMS ext. Proxy VOMS ext. username password Proxy based authentication Login & psw based authentication username password

67 67 Settings Portal administrator can –connect the portal to several grids –register default resources of the connected grids

68 68 Settings User can customize the connected grids by adding and removing resources

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