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Viral Infections of Reproductive System

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1 Viral Infections of Reproductive System

2 The most common viral causes are:
Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) Human papillomavirus (HPV).

3 Herpesviridae Family:
Icosahedral, enveloped Ds DNA viruses. Three subfamilies: Alpha herpes viruses: HSV-1 & 2, VZV Beta herpes viruses: CMV, HHV-6, HHV-7 Gamma herpes viruses: EBV, HHV-8 Latent or persistent infection after primary infection. Reactivations take place during periods of immunosuppression.

4 Herpes virus Particle All herpes viruses have identical
morphology and cannot be distinguished from each other under electron microscopy

5 Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2):
HSV-1 and HSV-2 show 50-70% genetic homology and cross-reactive epitopes . Man is the only natural host for HSV. Transmission of HSV-2: Sexual contact. Perinatal infection (during birth). Pathogenesis: Stages of herpes infection: Primary infections Latency Reactivation

6 Primary infections: (Herpes genitalis): usually asymptomatic
Primary infections: (Herpes genitalis): usually asymptomatic Symptomatic manifestations: Fever, painful bilateral vesicles and ulcers on the penis, vulva, vagina or cervix. Extensive infection: fever, dysuria and inguinal lymphadenopathy. Latency: in sacral ganglia. Reactivation: often asymptomatic. Manifest at the sites innervated by the affected neurons. Transmitted during sexual intercourse.


8 HSV-2 Diseases: Genital herpes. Neonatal herpes: The most serious consequence of genital herpes. It is acquired during birth. Aseptic meningitis.


10 Laboratory Diagnosis:
Very important to prevent neonatal and CNS herpes. Specimen: vesicle swab, serum for serology. Direct: Detection of the viral antigens by: electron or immunofluorescent microscopy. Detection of viral DNA by PCR. Isolation of the virus on tissue culture: Cellular ballooning cytopathic-effect Indirect (serology): to detect IgM & IgG anti-herpese antibodies.

11 Diagnosis of HSV-2: HSV in cell culture

12 Human Papillomavirus (HPV):
Family: Papovaviridae. Non enveloped, icosahedral, epitheliotropic supercoiled Ds DNA virus. 75% of the adult population will have at least one HPV infection during their lifetime. The genome encodes for 7 early proteins (E1 to E7), and 2 late proteins (L1 and L2). Based on L1 gene, there are over 100 types of HPV; 40 can cause anogenital infection. Epitheliotropic: having an affinity for epithelium

13 Low-risk HPV types: cause anogenital warts and other benign lesions
Low-risk HPV types: cause anogenital warts and other benign lesions. Viral genome is not integrated with the cell DNA. High-risk HPV types: are associated with malignant carcinomas (mainly of the cervix). Viral genome is integrated with the cell DNA. A vaccine is available for both high and low risk types or for high risk alone. Transmission: Direct contact including sexual contact. Contaminated surfaces and fomites.

14 HPV genital tract diseases:
genital warts: cauliflower-like growth in men & women, caused by HPV-6 and HPV-11. On the vulva, vagina, cervix, penis…. (highly contagious) Low-grade cervical dysplasia: caused by oncogenic and non-oncogenic types. High grade cervical dysplasia: caused by oncogenic types (pre-malignant). Cervical cancer: oncogenic viruses: caused by HPV-16 and HPV-18.

15 Pathogenesis: Primary infection: basal cell layer of stratified squamous epithelium. High risk types: high grade-dysplasia due to integration of viral genome within cell chromosome; Expression of E6, and E7 protein. E6 and E7 interact with P53 and retinoblastoma protein (Rb) respectively and inactivate them. (P53 and RB are tumor suppressor proteins that play a central role in DNA repair and control of division). Cervical carcinoma, penis, anus and other genital cancers.




19 HPV Perianal Wart: HPV Penile Warts:


21 Cancer of the genital tissues:
In women, pre-cancerous cells can be detected in the cervix by a Papanicolaou (Pap) test. It is the only way to detect abnormal cells in the cervix that could potentially develop into cancer cell line later in life. A girl should have her first Pap test within 3 years of becoming sexually active. It is unlikely that a young girl will be diagnosed with cervical cancer as it takes many years for a cancer to develop.

22 Laboratory Diagnosis in early stage:
Specimens: Cervical swabs or biopsy. Direct detection of abnormal cells: Cytology (Pap smear) Immunohistochemistry: detect E6 and E7 in the smear by specific antibodies. Direct detection of viral genes by: PCR or DNA sequence methods for L1 genes.

23 Pap test showing a low-grade intraepithelial lesion and benign endocervical mucosa

24 Congenital viral infections
Most common congenital viral infections: CMV, parvovirus B 19, rubella virus. Diagnosis of congenital infectious diseases detection: specific IgM or increasing IgG titer in the mother serum by the TORCH test: Toxoplasma, other (syphilis) rubella, CMV, Herpes simplex Amniotic fluid or fetal blood test (intrauterine).

25 Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV):
Belong to the beta herpesviruses subfamily. Cytomegalo: The infected cells are enlarged and multinucleated. Transmission: direct contact with infected body fluids such as breast milk, saliva, blood, urine, semen, and vaginal fluids. Sexual intercourse. Transplacental.

26 Pathogenesis: Primary infection: CMV replicates in the epithelial cells of respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts then invade the blood (viremia) and infect all organs of the body. Latency: in monocytes and macrophages. Reactivation: common in immunocompromised and immunocompetent persons. Active infection: in the fetus.

27 Clinical Features: In fetus and neonates: “cytomegalic inclusion disease” Congenital CMV syndrome: in 20% with microcephaly, mental retardation, hepatosplenomegaly and jaundice, blindness and growth retardation. Infections of immunocompromised patients: such as transplant recipients and AIDS patients; Severe organ disease retinitis, encephalopathy, colitis, and lung pneumonitis.

28 Congenital Cytomegalovirus Disease:
Growth retardation purpuric skin lesions and hepatosplenomegaly.

29 Twins with congenital CMV

30 Laboratory Diagnosis:
Specimens: throat washings, urine, exudate Detection of viral antigens in urine or saliva. Isolation of the virus on tissue culture. Detection of viral DNA by PCR. Serodiagnosis: Detection of CMV specific IgM or rising titer of IgG by ELISA. Typical owl-eye inclusions

31 Parvovirus B19: (Erythrovirus B19):
-Classification: Parvoviridae Family. Non-enveloped, icosahedral, Ss linear DNA. -Transmission: Blood-borne; transfusion, transplacental, or airborne; respiratory inf. -It infects red blood cell precursors in the bone marrow. -Congenital infection: Miscarriage: before week 20 of the pregnancy. Hydrops fetalis; due to severe fetal anemia; -No vaccine, No effective treatment. Pregnant women should avoid contact with infected children. n

32 Rubella virus infection:
Classification: Togavirus. Enveloped Ss RNA. Transmission: Respiratory airborne in children and adults, transplacental for fetus. Disease: Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS): teratogenic virus: infects fetal cells & stops cellular development and destroy the cells. Cardiac, ophthalmic, cerebral defects: ductus arteriosus, cataracts, blindness or deafness. Vaccination for children, adolescent girls and seronegative pregnant ladies. n

33 Hydrops fetalis Congenital rubella; cataract

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