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Effective questioning strategies to develop higher order thinking skills Mel Walton – Mary Rose Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Effective questioning strategies to develop higher order thinking skills Mel Walton – Mary Rose Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effective questioning strategies to develop higher order thinking skills Mel Walton – Mary Rose Academy

2 Outcomes 1.Know how easy it is to ask a higher order question 2.Know how easy it is to differentiate 3.Know how easy it is to deepen and stretch students’ learning 4.Know how easy it is to check learning

3 Into groups of 3

4 White boards ready! 1.How many little pigs are there? 2.What happened to the first two little pigs houses? 3.Who blew them down?

5 Consider How much discussion took place to determine the answer? How many of the group got involved? Do lower order questions have a place in your lesson?

6 Higher order pigs 1.Imagine you were one of the three little pigs. What might you have done? 2.How can you create a different ending? 3.How would you defend the wolf’s actions?

7 What do you notice? Lower order 1.How many little pigs are there? 2.What happened to the first two little pigs houses? 3.Who blew them down? Higher order 1.Imagine you were one of the three little pigs. What might you have done? 2.Can you create a different ending? 3.How would you defend the wolf’s actions?

8 Higher order There are no right or wrong answers The questions should prompt discussion

9 Blooms Taxonomy

10 Outcomes 1.Know how easy it is to ask a higher order question 2.Know how easy it is to differentiate 3.Know how easy it is to deepen and stretch students’ learning 4.Know how easy it is to check learning

11 Why do we need to differentiate?

12 Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils know when and how to differentiate appropriately, using approaches which enable pupils to be taught effectively have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn, and how best to overcome these demonstrate an awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children, and know how to adapt teaching to support pupils’ education at different stages of development have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs; those of high ability; those with English as an additional language; those with disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them.

13 Jess MEG - A Shannon MEG - E Natalia MEG – C EAL

14 Ooze differentiation

15 Before the lesson Plan to differentiate – ideally by task Do not over plan or produce 27 different worksheets Think through your lesson, predict what might happen, forsee issues Plan your questions in advance

16 What is RICE???

17 REST ICE COMPRESSION ELEVATION So what does RICE actually mean?

18 E/D Identify three common injurys C/B Be able to describe what treatment should be taken for each injury A/A* Describe common injuries that are asociated with different activities. Learning Outcomes:

19 Common Injury and typical sportSymptomsTreatment Neatly in your book

20 ??? Concussion Concussion can occur and this will be apparent in loss of consciousness, a weak pulse, weak limbs, shallow breathing. This should be dealt with by experts. You must first of all make sure the injured person is breathing, once you have confirmed this. They then need to be placed in the coma (recovery) position making sure their nose and mouth is clear. Keep them like this until the medical professional arrive.

21 E/D Identify three common injuries (3 marks) C/B Describe the treatment that should be given for each injury (6 marks) A/A* Identify the sports that these common injuries are associated with and describe the treatment that should be given for each injury (9 marks) To be marked

22 During the lesson remote controlCold callNo opt out Stretch itextra bonus questions/tasks Help desk/Displays Seating planYou tube clip on ipad/phone Start simple finish clever – success then challenge 4B’sEggstensionTranslate apps

23 After the lesson Reflection/evaluation of the lesson (you, students, mentor) Plus…. Marking is planning Do I need to re teach the whole class? Do I need to spend time with….?

24 E/D Identify three common injuries (3 marks) C/B Describe the treatment that should be given for each injury (6 marks) A/A* Identify the sports that these common injuries are associated with and describe the treatment that should be given for each injury (9 marks) To be marked

25 Sophie

26 Summer

27 Outcomes 1.Know how easy it is to ask a higher order question 2.Know how easy it is to differentiate 3.Know how easy it is to deepen and stretch students’ learning – to ‘master’ 4.Know how easy it is to check learning

28 Teach Like a Champion... 1.Context 2.Simple techniques 3.Shared language

29 The hook (Introduction that makes them want to know more!) Question: Why is Bear eating a beetle? Dgo Dgo

30 Missed opportunity – try again!

31 Everybody writes (prepare your students to engage by giving them the chance to reflect in writing before you ask them to discuss) Question: Why is Bear eating a beetle? 20 words silent solo

32 Stretch it (Reward correct answers with harder questions) Possible questions: 1.Why is Bear eating a beetle? 2.What needs to repair? 3.Why, are they broken for ever? 4.Create a menu for Bear that is high in Protein

33 Revise (Improve a second draft of your work) Question: Why is Bear eating a beetle? 40-60 words Protein Growth and repair of muscles Physical exertion Survival in the jungle Damage to muscle fibres Muscle hypertrophy Eggs, fish, meat…..


35 Outcomes 1.Know how easy it is to ask a higher order question 2.Know how easy it is to differentiate 3.Know how easy it is to deepen and stretch students’ learning 4.Know how easy it is to check learning

36 Checking learning

37 Cold call (Call on students frequently – question then name) Wait time (give students time to think before answering – question…pause…name) No opt out (Turn ‘I don’t know’ into success by ensuring students that can’t or won’t answer practise getting it right)


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