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Lesson 4: Evaluation Plan Macerata, 29 th October Alessandro Valenza, Director, t33 srl.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 4: Evaluation Plan Macerata, 29 th October Alessandro Valenza, Director, t33 srl."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 4: Evaluation Plan Macerata, 29 th October Alessandro Valenza, Director, t33 srl

2 Agenda  What is an evaluation Plan ?  T he evaluation Context  The Evaluation questions  The Evaluation grid

3 What do we need from the last lessons (1) The Project / Program cycle IdenificationFormulationImplementationEvaluation The Chain of Public Interventions PolicyProgramProject (1)Project (2) Other delivery policy tools: law, tax, agency, campaign.

4 What do we need from the last lessons (2) Criteria of EvalautionMonitoring and Evaluation Monitoirng is to obseverve the public intervention Collecting datas An evaluation is an assessment, as systematic and objective as possible,of an project, programme or policy, its design, implementation and results.

5 What do we need from the last lessons (3) Monitoring: Indicator Evaluation: timing Ex ante ( identification – formulation) On Going (Implementation ) Ex post (evaluation – after the project end) Regarding the logic of the Porject Input / Ouput/ Results/ Impact Regarding the nature of the information Procedural, Financial, Phisical Regarding the measurement Qualitative / Quantitative Regarding the source Primary/ Secondary

6 Evaluation Plan  It is the starting point of the evaluation  It fixes the relations between the evaluator and the clients  It defines what to assess (evaluation questions)  It establish the methodological framework (Indicators and Methodology)

7 The Evaluation Context Key Actors -Role of the client in the project. -Mapping the stakeholders -Role of the client in the project. -Mapping the stakeholders Policy Context Which is the public intervention chain ( policy/ programme/ project) Mapping the Institutional actors: donors, implementing body, beneficiary Which is the public intervention chain ( policy/ programme/ project) Mapping the Institutional actors: donors, implementing body, beneficiary Type of Evalaution Ex ante/ Ex post / on going Summative / Formative Ex ante/ Ex post / on going Summative / Formative

8 Citizens, Minorities, Enterprises, Local Authorities, High Administration Governement Elected personal International Organisation University Civil Society Association Of Interests Business NGO Influence on the Project Stakeholder Relevant actor Policy Action Target group Stakeholder Mapping

9 regionalnationalinternational Political Administrative DONOR: source of funding Implementig body: in charge of project realisation Control Authority: audit and formal check Project pormoter: requests the intervention Multi level Governance: The Institutional Context Policy Owner: defines the policy framework

10 Evaluation Questions Understanding the Theory of Change (why we made the project) The purpose: beyond the terms of reference The evaluation aim is to understand if the project is: 1)Usefull 2)Coherent 3)Performing 4)Effective 5)Efficient 6)Impacting 7)Sustainable

11 Evaluation grid Evalaution Question IndicatorJudgementSourceRisksValidation 1) Is the project performing N. of enterprises involved > N.Internal Monitoring The project is still running (underestim ation) The Impleementi g Body 2) Is the project effective Increase of turnover %50SurveyResponse rate Stakeholder s

12 WORK OUT - 4 Teams - 1 Hour

13 Work Out: the evalaution context (1) Key Actors -Role of the client -Mapping the stakeholders -Role of the client -Mapping the stakeholders Policy Context Policy Chain Institutional Actors (donor, policy owner, Implementing body, Implementing authority) Policy Chain Institutional Actors (donor, policy owner, Implementing body, Implementing authority) Type of Evalaution Ex ante/ Ex post / on going Summative / Formative Ex ante/ Ex post / on going Summative / Formative Theory of change?:

14 Work Out - Evalution grid (2) Evalaution Question IndicatorJudgementSourceRisksValidation

15 See you

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