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AIR QUALITY IN SLOVENIA Anton Planinšek Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia.

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Presentation on theme: "AIR QUALITY IN SLOVENIA Anton Planinšek Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIR QUALITY IN SLOVENIA Anton Planinšek Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia

2 AQ Monitoring network in Slovenia

3 AQ monitoring with mobile station

4 AQ assessment 2005-2009 SO 2 Pb, other heavy metals NO 2 Benzene CO

5 AQ assessment 2005-2009 Ozone PM 10

6 Concentration level of pollutants, for which limit values are defined, in 2012 (z – protection of health, v – protection of vegetation)

7 SO 2 emissions and concentraction trend

8 NO 2 emissions and concentraction trend

9 Ozone concentration trends Average yearly ozone concentrations Number of exceedances of ozone target value for years 2002 -2012

10 PM 10 emissions

11 PM 10 average yearly concentrations

12 Number of excedances of PM 10 daily LV

13 Velenje case – district heating from thermal power plant

14 PM 2.5 average yearly concentrations

15 Main future tasks Ozone – to fullfil NEC directive requirements Particles – abate emission from small stoves Particles – abate emission from traffic Maintain concentration level of the other pollutants below limit values

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