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Partial lesson 15 of 32 slides Trip Planning and Map Reading.

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2 Partial lesson 15 of 32 slides

3 Trip Planning and Map Reading

4 Advance Considerations Pick a route using local roads or Interstates. Pick a time and date to leave. Are there rush hours or construction areas to avoid? Check the weather in the places where you will be traveling. Make advance reservations if you plan to stay overnight.

5 Vehicle check-up Exhaust System: There must be no leaks in system. Steering System: Wheels should be aligned, shock absorbers should be ready, tires should have ample tread and properly inflated. Engine System: All fluids, belts, and hoses need to be ready. Engine should be tuned. Air conditioning coolant should be checked. Braking System: Make sure all parts are in good working order.

6 Vehicle check-up Check: transmission fluids, wiper fluid, air filter, tire pressure and tread, spare tire Make sure your jack for the tire spare is properly working. Other checks:

7 Vehicle check-up Within a week of leaving: Get an oil change Make sure all lights and wipers work. Have a full tank of gas. Give your car a through inside cleaning

8 What to bring with you…just in case oil, windshield fluid fire extinguisher first-aid kit flashlight battery jumper cables spare fuses tools: screwdriver, pliers, etc. flares or reflectors Take with you in the vehicle

9 What to bring with you…just in case Rain Gear Whistle, for emergency Water bottle, Full Pocket knife Matches, in waterproof container Emergency trail food Take with you in the vehicle

10 What to bring with you…just in case Extra windshield wiper First-aid kit Extra set of car keys Antifreeze Compass Small trash bag

11 Take with you in the vehicle What to bring with you…just in case Cell phone Black electrical tape Blankets, mittens, hats Food, snacks Coins for tolls Telephone numbers for motor club and road emergency Travelers checks, credit cards and calling cards

12 Before Leaving Before living on a trip make sure that you give all travel information not only to the people or places you’ll be staying at, but several close family and friends where you live.

13 Go to a copy machine, take everything out of your wallet, put in on the copy machine and copy it (front and back) twice. Leave one at home and store the second in a secret place in your suitcase. If your wallet is ever stolen, you will know exactly what you have lost and will have all the telephone numbers to call to cancel credit cards, credit cards number, etc. at you finger tips. Before Leaving

14 Make sure you cancel all newspapers. Pay all your bills before you go Get someone to look over your house. Ask someone to pickup your mail If possible, park a car in your driveway. Before Leaving

15 Lock doors and windows. Notify police of your absence. Arrange pet care. Have a well lit house with timers on the lights. Unplug electrical appliances such as computers, T.V.’s, and stereos.

16 Bring music with you. Have alternate driver with you. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Know your exact destination. Preparation of Driver Good night sleep before leaving. No alcohol in your system. Go over maps and route you are taking.

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