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NOAA’s Surface Weather Program and the Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) National Weather Service Partners Meeting June 6, 2006 Mike.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA’s Surface Weather Program and the Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) National Weather Service Partners Meeting June 6, 2006 Mike."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA’s Surface Weather Program and the Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) National Weather Service Partners Meeting June 6, 2006 Mike Campbell NWS Observing Services NOAA Surface Weather Program Manager

2 Key Strategies for NOAA’s Commerce and Transportation Mission Goal NOAA has enhanced the American Public’s ability to: –Know where they are –Get where they are going safely and efficiently –Make appropriate decisions for a safe, secure, efficient, and environmentally sound transportation network. NOAA’s essential services are uninterrupted and available during emergencies and critical events Information that Moves America

3 Commerce and Transportation Overview Surface Weather Aviation Weather Marine Weather Marine Transportation System Geodesy Emergency Response

4 Surface Weather within NOAA Mandate to protect life and property, and promote safe and efficient commerce and transportation –Weather contributes to ~7,400 deaths and ~1,500,000 highway crashes/yr –17% of all highway fatalities occur during adverse weather –$42B annual economic loss –Weather support at the ocean and airport interfaces crucial to domestic and international commerce –Multi-modal with initial focus on road weather

5 Future Data Management Transferring the MADIS functionalities from OAR Research into NWS Operations SFC-LAND SFC-MARINE UPPER AIR- IN SITU SATELLITE GRIDDED DATA METADATA MADIS Collection, QC, and Distribution INFORMATION BASES (QC’d DATASETS) QUALITY CONTROL INFO & Metadata (Data QC Flags) UPPER AIR- REMOTE SENSING

6 MADIS, the Operational Difference Obs Transmitted to NOAA Customer Decodes Obs Customer QC/ Integrates Data Customer Assimilates Data Obs Received by Customers Obs Transmitted to NOAA w/MADIS MADIS Decodes Obs MADIS QC/ Integrates Data Customer Assimilates Data MADIS Transmits Data Sets Simplifies Customer Processing All Customers Must Perform Same Functions

7 NOAA’s Enterprise Partnerships: Partnering for Data, Improved Service Thousands to millions of obs to assist decisions Potential for numerous new applications Input to a variety of models – public and private Supports warnings and forecasts, verification Validate remote sensors Data sharing Research, Academic, and Transportation Interface Input Output Watches Warnings Advisories (county/area- specific) NOAA and Non-NOAA Data National Surface Weather Observation System - NSWOS (Operational MADIS) Enterprise Servers Clarus & VII Programs Detailed, Road Section Specific Products Digital Database Forecast Service

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