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How are human actions contributing to global warming?

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1 How are human actions contributing to global warming?
BY: Ayesha M. Br. Nassry 9th Grade Girls Biology

2 How are human actions contributing to global warming?
Global concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide—three of the most notable greenhouse gases—have increased significantly over the past 250 years as direct result of human activities. Concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases now far exceed any found during ice core research spanning the past 650,000 years. The increase of carbon dioxide is due primarily to the use of fossil fuels, such as oil and coal, and changes in land use, such as cutting down forests to make way for farming, housing and other development. Increases in methane and nitrous oxide are primarily due to agriculture.

3 Water Pollution We all know that we can be environmentally friendly and do our best to protect our planet, but how do we control the purity of our drinking water? Salt water may contaminate the water that coastal cities depend upon. An increase in sea levels would mean that the ocean would make its way inland because the soil is drying up, allowing salt water to invade the dropped levels of rivers and  streams

4 Land Pollution Land pollution is when the land is degraded through improper use of chemicals, fertilizers, industrial waste etc. Anything that causes natural habitats to deteriorate. When the natural habitat is functioning properly it is absorbing CO2 and releasing oxygen. When the land is poisoned with chemicals and waste then it can't work as well. This might have a small effect on global warming.

5 Cars affect the Earth Fossil fuels are fuels made of organic matter such as coal, or oil. When fossil fuels are burned they give off a green house gas called CO2. Auto produce almost 3% of all the CO2 created and over 0.1% of all greenhouse gases.  Nitrous oxide, NO2 is also an important pollutant from vehicles.

6 Vehicle affection Most vehicle run on petroleum, a fossil fuel. When fossil fuel is burnt it releases the carbon that has been stored in it for millions of years. This carbon dioxide adds to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. 

7 Airplanes Affect the Earth
Airplanes emit a lot of carbon dioxide, the most significant greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. Aircraft emissions accounts for about 3% of CO2 emissions. Experts predict that by 2050, aircraft emissions will account for over 5% of total warming. There is evidence that indicates that airplanes do affect CO2 concs. Notably, there was a marked decrease in CO2 concentrations in the days succeeding 9/11, when airplanes were grounded.

8 Green House Affect It is similar to a green house. An inside of a greenhouse is always hot because the glass prevents the heat coming from the sun from getting out - hence heating the whole place. The sun's rays after they hit the earth are reflected back. CO2 carbon dioxide in the air traps these rays and reflects it back to the earth - thus heating up the earth temperature. Methane is a greenhouse gas but it not used in refrigerators. Freon is not a green house gas - it is an ozone depleting gas

9 Help stop Global Warming
One way is to improve vehicle fuel-efficiency. We can practice fuel-efficient driving, buy a fuel-efficient car, and simply drive less. This would help because motor vehicles are responsible for about one third of carbon dioxide emissions in the U.S and Canada. Another way we can help is to reduce the electricity usage around your home. Electric power generation is the largest contributing source of the greenhouse gases. The average home contributes more to global warming than the average car. We can help by switching to energy-efficient lighting, improve the efficiency of home appliances, and buying energy-efficient appliances when shopping for new ones. 


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