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Mini Research Project Epic Heroes, Leaders and Music, Oh My!

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Presentation on theme: "Mini Research Project Epic Heroes, Leaders and Music, Oh My!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mini Research Project Epic Heroes, Leaders and Music, Oh My!

2 Step One: Choose Hero/Leader Someone you can research!Scientists, Politicians, Coaches, Musicians, etc. Example: Mary Kay Ash –Entrepreneur and Humanitarian

3 Step Two: Choose a song that represents your hero Does NOT have to include the word 'hero' -Be creative! Example: “Just a Girl” - No Doubt “I'm just a girl in the world... That's all that you'll let me be! Your rule of thumb Makes me worry some”

4 Step 3: Library Research From Book sources & Databases find the following: Research three categories Hero “Song”/Songwriter/Band Beowulf/Grendel criticism Collect ten facts for each category (30 total facts) NO INTERNET SOURCES ARE VALID!

5 MLA Guidelines

6 Visual Presentation 2-3 minutes long share 6 facts (2 from each topic) explain connection between song and hero 4 Slide minimum CREATIVE visual aid!

7 Final Goal Annotated Bibliography Bloom, Harold. “Bloom on Beowulf.” Facts on File: Bloom’s Literary Database. Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishing, 2005. Web. 26 September 2012. 1) “Beowulf is generally judged to be a Christian poem on a Germanic hero” (Bloom). 2) DeRemer, Leigh Ann. Ed. Contemporary Musicians. Vol. 42. Farmington Hills:Gale Group Inc., 2003. Print. 1) “After nine years melding an eclectic mix of musical styles into a dance-happy retro sound, the southern California band No Doubt attained chart-topping success and MTV fame in 1996, on the strength of the radio-ready single ‘Just a Girl’” (DeRemer 147). 2)

8 Final Products to Submit Annotated Bibliography 30 Facts & 3 sources (*minimum) Sample on website Library Progress stamps (3) Located on RUBRIC PowerPoint Presentation

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