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WMO RTC-Turkey facilities, Alanya, Turkey Templates and Regulations

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1 WMO RTC-Turkey facilities, Alanya, Turkey Templates and Regulations

2 Traditional codes for which BUFR/CREX templates and regulations have been developed:
SYNOP and SYNOP MOBIL Synoptic surface SHIP observations PILOT and PILOT MOBIL PILOT SHIP Upper-air TEMP and TEMP MOBIL measurements TEMP SHIP TEMP DROP CLIMAT and CLIMAT SHIP Monthly surface data CLIMAT TEMP and CLIMAT TEMP SHIP Monthly upper-air data

3 Time identification in Section 1 and Section 4
BUFR Section 1 BUFR Section 4 Synoptic surface observations Standard time : 00.00, 01.00, …, 23.00 Time from group 9GGgg, if included Upper-air measurements Standard time : 00.00, 06.00, 12.00, 18.00 Time of launch Monthly surface data Day=1, hour and minute = of the month for which the data are reported

4 BUFR templates for surface observations
Templates TM , TM and TM for reporting SYNOP, SYNOP MOBIL and SHIP data in TDCF are constructed in a similar way. They consists of 3 parts: Station, time and location identification Instantaneous data Period data

5 BUFR templates for surface observations
Instantaneous data “Instantaneous” parameter is a parameter that is not coupled to a time period descriptor. Period data “Period” parameter is a parameter that is preceded with a time period descriptor, which allows more precise data description than in traditional codes. However, once a period descriptor is introduced, it applies to all following entries until it is redefined by another period descriptor.

6 BUFR template TM 307080 for SYNOP
Station, time and location identification Instantaneous data Pressure data Basic synoptic “instantaneous” data Clouds with bases below station level Direction of cloud drift Vertical significance Direction and elevation of cloud State of ground, snow depth, ground min. temperature Period data Basic synoptic “period” data Evaporation data Replicate next descriptor 2 times Radiation data Temperature change

7 Height of sensor Measured values of some elements are significantly influenced by the height of sensor. Based on the requirements of OPAG IOS experts, descriptor (Height of sensor above local ground or marine platform) has been introduced to be reported for Temperature and humidity data Visibility data Precipitation data Wind data In case of marine data, also the height of sensor above water ( ) is required to be reported for


9 The heights of sensor 007032 and 007033 within the templates for surface data
The entries within the “instantaneous data” as well as within the “period data” are grouped according to the requirement for the heights of sensor to be included or not. For example, within (Basic synoptic “period” data), there is a block of entries: Precipitation data, Extreme temperature data, Wind data, Height of sensor above local ground (shall be set to missing to cancel the previous value). The last entry was inserted because the height of sensor is not required for the following data (Evaporation data, etc.).

10 Regional or national reporting practices
If regional or national reporting practices require inclusion of additional period parameters, the common sequence descriptors , and may be supplemented by relevant descriptors. If regional or national reporting practices require inclusion of additional instantaneous parameters, the common sequence descriptors , and shall be supplemented by the required element descriptors being preceded by a relevant time period descriptor set to zero, i.e =0 or =0.

11 BUFR template TM 307086 for SYNOP data in compliance with reporting practices in RA VI
Station, time and location identification Instantaneous data Pressure data Basic synoptic “instantaneous” data Clouds with bases below station level Vertical significance State of ground, snow depth, ground min. temperature Dangerous weather phenomena (groups 9SPSPsPsP) Period data Basic synoptic “period” data Evaporation data Replicate next descriptor 2 times Radiation data Temperature change

12 BUFR templates for upper-air measurements
Templates TM , TM for reporting PILOT, PILOT MOBIL and PILOT SHIP data and TM for TEMP, TEMP MOBIL, TEMP SHIP and TM for TEMP DROP data are constructed in a similar way: Station, time and location identification Instrumentation Surface observations (only for TEMP, TEMP MOBIL, TEMP SHIP) Level data (wind or P,T, U and wind) Wind shear data

13 Specific features of Regulations for reporting upper-air data in TDCF
A message should be produced when level 100 hPa is reached. All required data from the entire ascent shall reported in another message, produced when the sounding is completed. Time and location of radiosonde shall be included at each level. If high vertical resolution data is required, data from additional levels may be included, number of levels being limited by the message length – octets. The data should be included in descending order with respect to pressure (in ascending order with respect to altitude).

14 Reporting of additional information
If regional reporting practices require inclusion of data at additional levels, these levels shall be indicated by the bit No. 15 set to 1 in Extended sounding significance Other additional levels shall be specified by all bits of set to 0. If additional information on sounding instrumentation is required, the common sequence descriptors may be supplemented by one or more parameters to allow representation of such information or by a character data field (using 2 05 Y).

15 BUFR template for monthly surface data
Templates TM for CLIMAT data and TM for CLIMAT SHIP data are constructed in a similar way: Station, time and location identification Monthly data (with the exception of precipitation) Monthly precipitation data Monthly normal values of elements (with the exception of precipitation) Monthly normal values of precipitation

16 Period for monthly surface data
The time identification refers to the beginning of the one-month period. Except for precipitation measurements, the one-month period for monthly data is recommended to correspond to the local standard time (LST) month. In case of monthly precipitation data, the one-month period begins at 06 UTC on the first day of the month and ends at 06 UTC on the first day of the following month. The same applies for normal values (with the exception of precipitation) and normal values of precipitation.

17 Thank you for your attention !

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