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DALKEITH HIGH SCHOOL Senior Phase. Curriculum in Secondary Schools Broad General Education S1-3 Senior Phase S4-6.

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2 Curriculum in Secondary Schools Broad General Education S1-3 Senior Phase S4-6

3 Present Structure in Dalkeith High School Broad General Education S1-3 Senior Phase S4 7 subjects Senior Phase S5/6 5 subjects

4 New Structure Broad General Education S1-3 Senior Phase S4-6 6 subjects in each year

5 Implications 6 choices made at end of S3, S4 and S5 6 + 6 + 6 5 periods per subject Vocational options on offer (Developing the Young Workforce) Classes arranged by ‘stage not age’ in general English and Mathematics compulsory in S4 No compulsory subjects beyond this, play to strengths Pupils encouraged to study English and Mathematics to highest levels beyond S4

6 Implications for S6 A range of Advanced Highers on offer Opportunities for wider achievement or ‘added value’ built into options

7 How will this look in practice? 33 period week: Subject 1Subject 2Subject 3Subject 4Subject 5Subject 6 PE/PSE RME(S4 only) 5 periods (Tues/Thur pm) 3 periods

8 Multiple Pathways/Blended Learning

9 Next Steps: ‘Dummy Run’ Week beginning Monday, 11 th January, during PSE lessons Lesson 1 to explain process and choices on offer (Course Option book issued) At least one evening with materials at home to allow for support from parents/carers Lesson 2 to capture course options To allow us to see what the uptake is likely to be in courses/final adjustments to Option Sheet No final decisions at this stage but try to be as accurate as possible Recommendations from departments to assist

10 Next Steps: Coursing Process S3 Coursing: Week beginning Monday, 8 th February S4/5 Coursing: Week beginning Monday, 29 th February No decisions made until coursing is complete!

11 Points to consider Cannot guarantee that all courses will run Opportunity to amend course choices in August Any requests for courses that cannot be accommodated should be noted on Option Sheet Pupils will continue to be supported throughout the process by Guidance staff

12 New Provision – Partnership Working Construction Hairdressing and Beauty Career Ready (S5 only) Academies, partnership with QMU/Edinburgh College (S5 /6) SQA Employability Award SQA Volunteering Award Young Applicants from Schools Scheme (YASS) Horticulture

13 New Provision – School Based Personal Development Award (Care/Gardening) Duke of Edinburgh (S5/6 only) Supported Study (incorporating Scottish Studies) (S6 only) Art and Design Portfolio (S6 only) PC Passport Early Education and Childcare

14 New Provision – School Based Languages for Life and Work Musical Theatre Laboratory Science Music Technology Environmental Science

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