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* Natural selection- best suited characteristics survive and are passed to offspring * Niche- Role of an organism in its environment.

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Presentation on theme: "* Natural selection- best suited characteristics survive and are passed to offspring * Niche- Role of an organism in its environment."— Presentation transcript:


2 * Natural selection- best suited characteristics survive and are passed to offspring * Niche- Role of an organism in its environment

3 * Struggle between organisms to survive as they attempt to use the same resources

4 * Interaction in which one organism kills another for food * Predator-does the killing, snake * Adaptations to help catch/kill prey like poison, speed, echolocation * Prey-is killed, mouse * Adaptations to help escape predators like mimicry, protective covering, false coloring, warning colors, camouflage

5 * Close relationship between 2 species that benefits at least 1 of the species * 3 types of symbiosis

6 * Both species benefit * Lichen-algae and fungi * Clownfish and anemone * Cleaner fish and sharks

7 * One species benefits, the other is neither helped nor hurt * Red-tailed hawks build nests in saguaros

8 * One organism helped, the other is harmed * Parasite hurts its host * Fleas * Ticks * Tapeworms * Mites

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