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Computer Hardware BTT1O.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Hardware BTT1O."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Hardware BTT1O

2 Hardware Categories Any piece of computer hardware generally falls into one of four categories based on its function. Input devices convert signals from the user into something the computer can understand Processing devices manipulate data

3 Hardware Categories Output devices display the results of processed data in a form that the user can understand Storage devices save the results of data processing for retrieval at a later time

4 Complicating Matters Some pieces of hardware do not easily fit into a single category. Under what category would you place the following item?

5 Inside the Computer Except for the Intel CPU, all of the hardware we have looked at so far are external devices All external devices are also known as peripherals. Turning to the computer itself…

6 The computer The case Exhaust fan
- Houses all of the internal components Exhaust fan To assist in removing heat from the system

7 Outside the box - front Sound inputs and outputs (various) DVD Writer
Floppy drive Power and reset switches USB and Firewire ports

8 Outside the box - back Power supply and intake fan Intake fans
Various input and output ports CRT and LCD monitor ports Audio inputs, outputs, and firewire

9 Outside the box - back Keyboard (purple) and mouse (green) ports
Printer (LPT1) port Serial port USB ports Firewire port Network card (RJ45) Sound input and output ports

10 You should know… The purpose/use of the following
CD/DVD drive and floppy drive Computer ports: USB Firewire RJ45 Sound input and output Keyboard and mouse port Monitor port

11 Inside the box… Power supply Central Processing Unit Hard drive rack
Expansion cards

12 Inside the box… Video card with fan Sound card CPU heatsink and fan
Random Access Memory

13 Inside the box DVD drive Provides power to devices such as DVD drive
Grey ribbon carries data from storage devices to the motherboard

14 You should know… Power supply Central Processing Unit RAM
Heatsinks and fans Expansion cards Sound and video Power cables vs. data cables

15 References 3D Printer Wacom Tablet Canon Camera
Canon Camera Wacom Tablet

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