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Industrial Revolution. James Monroe 5 th president of the United States, elected in 1820 Monroe Doctrine – Future colonization by Europeans in the area.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Revolution. James Monroe 5 th president of the United States, elected in 1820 Monroe Doctrine – Future colonization by Europeans in the area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Revolution

2 James Monroe 5 th president of the United States, elected in 1820 Monroe Doctrine – Future colonization by Europeans in the area promised to the United States was forbidden – United States would not take part in European wars

3 New Technology Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the late 1700s and slowly moved to the U.S. Quicker ways to manufacture muskets for the army Machinery for farmers Machinery to mass produce goods like cloth

4 New Transportation Erie Canal connected New York with the Great Lakes and opened in 1825 New York City became the largest city in the country and a center for trade Steam powered engines paved the way for the first railraods

5 John Quincy Adams 6 th president Wonderful diplomat who was fought in his policies by his Congress Very opposed to any U.S. involvement in the problems of other countries

6 Phyllis Wheatley The first important African American poet She was kidnapped from Africa at age eight and brought to the colonies The people she was sold to taught her to read and write She eventually published her own poetry collection

7 Andrew Jackson A war hero of 1812, he was the first president elected from a state west of the Appalachian mountains He had little formal education and ran as “the common man” winning by a landslide

8 Jackson’s Presidency Jackson was all about protecting farmers’ rights He was an enemy of the United States national bank He also thought that Native Americans were a threat to the growth of the United States

9 The Trail of Tears In 1831, the U.S. government began forcing Native Americans off their land The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Native Americans and their chief, John Ross Jackson refused to obey the court and ordered the removal

10 Trail of Tears (cont.) Soldiers rounded up Native Americans, burned their homes, and forced them to leave The 800 mile march west went on for one year 4,000 out of the 15,000 Cherokee people died along the way

11 The Missouri Compromise In 1820, we had 22 states…11 did not allow slavery and 11 did The Missouri Compromise brought in two new states: The slave state of Missouri and the free state of Maine It also said no more slavery in land north of the 36, 30’ latitude (Missouri’s southern border)

12 War with Mexico Mexico won independence from Spain in 1821 and Texas was part of their country Land in Texas was cheaper than the United States Slavery was illegal in Mexico but allowed in Texas

13 War with Mexico (cont.) Mexicans required citizens to be catholic and learn Spanish Most Texans ignored this American Texans began to outnumber Mexicans Mexico outlawed slavery which angered American Texans

14 Remember the Alamo! The Texas army took control of a Spanish mission in San Antonio called the Alamo Texas was defeated by the Mexican army and their soldiers executed by Santa Anna, the Mexican president

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