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9.2. Explain how Texas won independence from Mexico Analyze the goals of President Polk. Trace the causes and outcome of the Mexican- American War.

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Presentation on theme: "9.2. Explain how Texas won independence from Mexico Analyze the goals of President Polk. Trace the causes and outcome of the Mexican- American War."— Presentation transcript:

1 9.2

2 Explain how Texas won independence from Mexico Analyze the goals of President Polk. Trace the causes and outcome of the Mexican- American War.

3 Texas Wins Independence Americans Debate Expansion The Mexican-American War

4 Read the Decision/Point on pg. 307. Answer the three questions under “You Decide”

5 Americans begin to migrate to Texas due to its fertile soil and low populated land. Mexico formulates a risky strategy, they agreed to allow Americans to settle in Texas, in return Americans had to become Mexican citizens and worship as Roman Catholics. Most Americans “agree” to the terms but don’t actually have any allegiance with Mexico and continued their protestant faith.

6 During this time Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna took control of Mexico City and wanted greater autonomy Tensions began to rise and in 1835 the Texans rebelled against Mexican rule. A year later the Texans declared their independence and adopted a republican constitution. They became known as the Lone Star Republic.

7 In March 1836, Santa Anna led his army north into Texas and attacked the small Texas garrison at the Alamo. After twelve days the Santa Anna’s men overran the walls of the Alamo. This caused Texans to rise together to defeat Santa Anna. Sam Houston rallies his Army and decides to fight Santa Anna.

8 Sam Houston draws Santa Anna into a trap. He brings his Army into a swamp where the Mexican Army can’t transport their cannons or supply wagons. Finally, Sam Houston waits until Santa Anna and his men are far into the swamp and have made camp, then Sam attacks and kills 630 and captured 730 Mexicans and Captured Santa Anna himself.

9 Sam Houston only lost 32 men during this fight, and that was due to its surprise. Then they threatened Santa Anna with execution so, instead he signed the Treaty that ensured Texas independence from Mexico.

10 Texas wants to come into the Union, however it would come in as a slave state. This upset many Whig politicians because they feared it would give to much power to the slave holding states. Presidential Candidate James K. Polk remedied this by stating that he would grab the Oregon Territory from Great Britain and that he would get Texas annexed.

11 In 1844 this gave James K. Polk the victory in the Presidential Election. He ended up getting half of the Oregon Territory and getting Texas annexed at the price of a war. Polk stated in the annexation of Texas that the southern border would be at the Rio Grande, and this enraged the Mexicans and they marched to Texas.

12 A small skirmish on the border of Texas and Mexico began the whole issue only ten men died, however Polk made a huge deal out of it and decided to wage war. The United States was at an advantage in almost every way. (we had a larger navy, better industry, better officers, and a larger Army).

13 In 1846 Congress declares war with Mexico, we win every major battle of the War and also took control of their capital. Major factors in the war were Winfield Scott, and General Taylor, they were aided exceptionally well. The junior officers that worked underneath them were Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, and William T. Sherman. Ultimately the Mexicans were defeated in September 1847 after a year and a half of fighting

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