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The Road to Revolution England had a large war debt and wanted the colonies to help pay for it! Parliament voted to tax the colonies directly!

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2 The Road to Revolution

3 England had a large war debt and wanted the colonies to help pay for it! Parliament voted to tax the colonies directly!

4 Sugar Act Sugar Act -1764- placed a tax on sugar, molasses and other products shipped to the colonies This was aimed specifically at raising money (taxes) from the colonies

5 The Sugar Act reduced trade from the colonies (particularly rum). Because foreign nations would have to pay higher prices, many of them traded with other nations

6 Colonial Response Colonists protested the act and called for a BOYCOTT on itemsColonists protested the act and called for a BOYCOTT on items The boycott began in Massachusetts and spread.The boycott began in Massachusetts and spread. Women used substitutes for British goodsWomen used substitutes for British goods

7 Sugar Tax song ulm8&feature=relmfu&safety_mode=true&pe rsist_safety_mode=1&safe=active ulm8&feature=relmfu&safety_mode=true&pe rsist_safety_mode=1&safe=active

8 British Reaction Prime Minister Grenville asked the colonists for a plan to pay military expenses and not receiving a satisfactory one, the prime minister proposed the Stamp Act.

9 Stamp Act 1765 Required colonists to get an official stamp or seal on all paper products!

10 British Parliament passes the Stamp Act to help pay for war debt.

11 ALL publications had to have a stamp This was a new kind of tax! ALL colonists had to pay Newspaper, pamphlets, wills, playing cards, dice

12 Colonial Response Colonists formed the Sons of Liberty and used scare tactics, such as threats and even violence on tax collectors Asked Parliament to repeal the law Implemented boycotts of English goods

13 Tar and feather K0A&feature=related K0A&feature=related


15 boycott The boycott resulted in a 14% drop in trade British merchants and workers suffered because of the boycott

16 Boycott hurt the British merchants! William Pitt, popular Parliament leader, and others agreed with the Americans. England repealed the Stamp Act in 1766 BUT they passed the Declaratory Act which said that Parliament made the laws not the colonies!

17 Townshend Acts- 1767 placed taxes on glass, paper, lead, and tea Paid for military costs and the salaries of the colonial governors

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