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Mrs. Lang -Earth and Environmental Science -Biology WELCOME BACK!! 2013-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Lang -Earth and Environmental Science -Biology WELCOME BACK!! 2013-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Lang -Earth and Environmental Science -Biology WELCOME BACK!! 2013-14

2 Formula for Success Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Prepared Participate

3 Classwork - EES Grading percentages Participation grade Grading scale Make-up work, excused absences Labs Tests/Quizzes in the VASC Late assignments Within a week = 70% Always before test If something comes up… Cheating – zero tolerance

4 Classwork - Biology Grading percentages Grading scale Make-up work, excused absences Labs Tests/Quizzes in the VASC Late assignments 1 day = ½ credit Always before test If something comes up… Cheating – zero tolerance

5 Website and IC Check often! Contains Assignments – deadlines and copies Additional resources Current grades

6 Extra Help Mrs. Lang 4 th and 7 th After school Homeroom (200) VASC E-mail: Ask Questions

7 Class Procedures What you need daily No green pen! Cell phones No food or drink other than water Gum Headphones Hall pass

8 Lab Safety Fire safety equipment location Eye wash and safety shower Hands off…

9 Picture that describes you Activities you are in or would like to try this year What is a goal for you this year? What technology do you have and use on a regular basis outside of school? Your Name (what you preferred to be called)Class

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