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Ready, Steady, ……GO! The ‘Orange Handbook’ rewrite gets the ‘Green’ light. Gill Bell Chris Faldon.

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Presentation on theme: "Ready, Steady, ……GO! The ‘Orange Handbook’ rewrite gets the ‘Green’ light. Gill Bell Chris Faldon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ready, Steady, ……GO! The ‘Orange Handbook’ rewrite gets the ‘Green’ light. Gill Bell Chris Faldon

2 Remember 1980? Those were the days!

3 State of the art technology!



6 SHASTD meets Dept. Health June 2000 - Preliminary discussions were held at D.o.H. April 2001 - Health Adviser Working Party was set up in to respond to Sexual Health Strategy document.Health Adviser Working Party Summer 2001 – Draft Strategy publishedDraft Strategy published October 2001 - Action plan submitted

7 The working party Patrick French (Chair) George Kinghorn (MSSVD) Beng Goh (AGUM) Heather Wilson (SHASTD) Chris Faldon (SHASTD) Sandra Jarrett (SHASTD) Ronnie Seery (SHASTD) Tomas Campbell (BPS) Phillipa Matthews (GP) Shelley Mehigan (Primary Care Nurse) Sally Wellsteed (D.o.H) Health Adviser Core roles 1.Partner Notification 2. Counselling 3. Pre and Post test HIV Counselling 4.Sexual Health Promotion 5.Outreach/Community Links.

8 Health Advising & The Strategy 1." The Department will ensure the role of sexual health advisers is developed and numbers increased" 2." The Department will identify a process of defining roles and responsibilities of health advisers“ 3." Improvements in partner notification within clinics and the community“ 4." The Department will identify a process for developing a Health Adviser qualification by 2005"

9 Action Plan 1.Detailed recommendations for DoH produced. 2.Grant of £39,000 awarded to produce - P/N guidelines - HA Manual 3.Establish Education & Training Working Party for health advisers

10 The Manual for Health Adviser Practice Chris Faldon/ Gill Bell co-opted Steering group (Monthly since October 2001) Sandra Jarrett Kathryn Lee Dorinda Thirlby Heather Wilson

11 The Manual Currently 31 chapters Theoretical frameworks Practical Guidelines Evidenced based Evaluation Ethical & Legal issues

12 Manual Content History of Health Advising Counselling HA process model Crisis intervention Counselling Supervision Psychosexual Counselling Working with interpreters STI’s Legal issues Contraception Sexual assault HIV testing including results HIV positive role of Health Advising Worried well Hepatitis C Working with gay men/ Risk Reduction

13 And yet there is more! Young people Termination of Pregnancy Health Adviser management Code of Conduct Partner Notification Ethics Research and audit Triage Information Technology Recall Mental Health Community Health Advising Outreach Health Promotion Working in prisons

14 Partner Notification 1 Interviews Setting the scene Gaining co-operation Data collection Follow-up interviews Documentation Provider referral Finding people Making contact Securing attendance Documentation Liaison with other clinics

15 Partner Notification 2 Evaluation of partner notification Process audit Outcome audit Ethical issues Legal issues

16 Triage Rationale Principles Management Recommended maximun waiting times Evaluation Ethical issues

17 Recall Reasons for recall Methods - Letters - Phonecalls - Visits - Email - Registered letters Recommended actions Ethical issues

18 Special features of prisons and prisoners HIV and STI transmission risks in prisons Ongoing care and support General Advice ie ie – Getting information Partner notification Security issues Useful resources and organisations Working in prisons

19 Ethics Framework Principles Consequences Personal ethics Professional ethics Key principles Autonomy Beneficence Non-maleficence Justice Confidentiality

20 Guidelines for managing an ethical dilemma 10 point action plan ie- Identify all possible courses of action - Clarify your professional duties - Discuss with other members of team. - Avoid actions that breech the law - Seek a legal opinion if you, or the law, are not clear

21 Outreach Rationale Hard to reach populations High risk of STI transmission Aims Risk reduction Improved access to services Service delivery Partner notification Research Setting up Making contact Evaluation Ethical issues



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