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The Middle Eastern Bazaar —Background Unti 1 Middle East The Middle East is a historical and political region of Africa-Eurasia( 非洲 - 欧亚 ) with no clear.

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Presentation on theme: "The Middle Eastern Bazaar —Background Unti 1 Middle East The Middle East is a historical and political region of Africa-Eurasia( 非洲 - 欧亚 ) with no clear."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Middle Eastern Bazaar —Background Unti 1

3 Middle East The Middle East is a historical and political region of Africa-Eurasia( 非洲 - 欧亚 ) with no clear definition Includes Bahrain (巴林), Egypt (埃及), Iran (伊朗), Iraq (伊拉克), Israel (以色列), Jordan (约旦), Kuwait (科威特), Lebanon (黎巴嫩), Palestinian territories (巴勒斯 坦), Oman (阿曼), Qatar (卡塔尔), Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯), Sudan (苏丹), Syrian (叙利亚), United Arab Emirates (阿拉伯联 合酋长国), and Yemen (也门)

4 中东地图

5 叙利亚草原风情 Syrian Arab Republic

6 Introduction Bazaar 集市 carpet-market 地毯市场 Dye- market 印染市场 pottery-market 陶瓷市场spice-market香料市场 Carpenters’ -market 木器市场

7 carpet-market

8 pottery-market

9 spice-market

10 bazaar The word “bazaar” is used to refer to several different types of marketplaces, depending upon their location. In the Middle East, where the word originates, it refers to a central open market which a large number of goods can be found for sale.



13 Gothic Architecture 哥特式建筑 Gothic architecture has three distinct characteristics which set it apart from Romanesque; pointed arches (尖拱顶), tall thin pillars (细 高的柱子), steep high roofs (高高的 房顶).

14 Gothic-arched gateway 哥特式拱门

15 linseed oil 亚麻籽油


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