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GLOBAL ELECTRONIC BANK of AIRLINE COMPANY DATA (GeBACM) PROJECT Project Manager:Mr.Zhu xugang Oracle Data Modeling member Zhao Yang Wang Hui Wang Junqing.

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Presentation on theme: "GLOBAL ELECTRONIC BANK of AIRLINE COMPANY DATA (GeBACM) PROJECT Project Manager:Mr.Zhu xugang Oracle Data Modeling member Zhao Yang Wang Hui Wang Junqing."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLOBAL ELECTRONIC BANK of AIRLINE COMPANY DATA (GeBACM) PROJECT Project Manager:Mr.Zhu xugang Oracle Data Modeling member Zhao Yang Wang Hui Wang Junqing Mission Statement: This project is an Oracle Corporation assigned task. The major duty is to create a meteorological research database for airline company study.


3 REFERENCES Baidu net Ji Nan airplane company China weather bureau s679.html Shanghai airplane company

4 PROJECT BACKGROUND Millions of people are traveling globally everyday. So airplane become a important vehicle,at the same time,meteorological is a indispensably factor. There is a lake of knowledge of meteorology,every year have many traffic accidents. Every country has its own meteorology,which is very complex.we should has a tool note them.

5 PROBLEMS Latest research on meteorological is international. Samples collected in China may be processed in Hong Kong labs and the reports can be analyzed in the U.S.A or U.K. However, meteorological researchers lack an international platform to share the information. They also need to worry about how to securely hold or share the information globally. To better manage the vast amount of data collected in different areas is also an arduous task.

6 SOLUTION Sure we have solution! An information system that holds vast number of meteorological related data can greatly help our researchers to develop new way of knowing meteorological. Oracle Data Modeling Consultants can help in handling these problems by creating a database that researchers can access from their own computer terminal.

7 BUSINESS & MISSION Global Electronic Bank of Airplane Company meteorological Data (GeBACM) will be an Oracle powered international information system that provides world airplane care personnel with a platform to share their information on meteorological. GeBACM’s mission: securely hold and track all the information collected from internet and other books for meteorological research We member should turn information into date base

8 INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS Location based Geographical and meteorological Information Data relating to air conditions, temperatures, air pressure, meteorological, hydrological conditions, geographical conditions, population and population distribution need to be actively monitored.

9 BUSINESS RULES Each airplane company will be assigned a unique ID to distinguish from others. Each country meteorology is uniquely identified. The meteorological information should include and contact information. Each meteorology belongs to an area. Structural Business Rules

10 ASSUMPTIONS The database is accessible in English only. The database is only available to airplane company personnel. The database only provides meteorological related data for research use, new findings of members are not published or disclosed on GeBACM. meteorological data is provided on a city by city basis.


12 ADDITIONAL Possible reports that may be able to generate from GeBACM: Airplane company in a region (region can be district, city, province and country) The time that plane take off and land Geographical and Environmental report of a region


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