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Automobile Industry Crisis A compilation of videos, sound clips, pictures, websites, and more.

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Presentation on theme: "Automobile Industry Crisis A compilation of videos, sound clips, pictures, websites, and more."— Presentation transcript:

1 Automobile Industry Crisis A compilation of videos, sound clips, pictures, websites, and more

2 GM’s Propaganda Video This is a propaganda video made by General Motors to win support for the bailout. The points they stress are that sales are down. They say that the auto industry creates a ‘ripple effect’ and that many Americans are employed by the Big Three. They believe that the auto industry affects way more than Detroit. They say it will hurt many suppliers…

3 GM’s Propaganda Video (Con’t) and also those who sell cars in dealerships. If the auto industry collapses, income will decrease greatly and the government would also lose a lot of money. Their biggest point they make is that their can either be an immediate loan of $25 billion or lose hundreds of billions of dollars later. Click below to watch the video: GM's Propaganda Video

4 GM’s Propaganda Video (Con’t) This website can also link you to the Youtube video page where you can view other viewers comments. Also, you can view several other articles.

5 UAW Supports Bailout This picture above (AP Images) shows protestors with the United Auto Workers (UAW) on December 6, 2008. As the most evident sign reads, they are reinforcing the point that it is a ‘loan’ not a ‘bailout’. Their companies are simply asking for money as a loan.

6 Blog Supporting Auto Bailout This is a blog written by a well-educated and experienced (grew up in Detroit) woman. She says that Detroit needs jobs and cannot afford for these plants to go down. She points out that it is an entire industry that would be going down, not just one chain. She admits the Big Three have some flaws, but believes the industry is too important to the country and the region to let go. She believes as well…

7 Blog Supporting Auto Bailout (Con’t) that Congress should set guidelines to make sure that The Big Three do not need further aid. This blog is also followed by many viewers comments that can also be viewed for information and to view others personal opinions. Blog Pro-Bailout

8 Article About The Future This is an article by Wonk Room, a site which features opinions on many political issues. It says that the auto industry bailout seems to be well-supported. Its main point is that it needs to look out for the future. One key thing is they need to oversee the spending of the money. They cannot let it be a waste of taxpayers money. Another more important thing they need to do is…

9 Article About The Future (Con’t) set conditions that the Big Three must meet, such as getting 'greener' cars. Click the link to view the full article. Auto Industry Bailout and Future

10 WBUR Boston Discussion This is an audio clip from a Boston radio station that plays NPR. It features many different tools to learn about the situation. It features many guests, all with many different opinions and backgrounds. It can expose listeners to the many different opinions of these people. Click below to listen to the audio clip. WBUR Boston On-Point Discussion

11 Wall Street Journal Article This is an article from the Wall Street Journal political section largely about the political aspect of this debate. It establishes the typically Republican view of less intervention; that it would also set a bad precedent vs. the typically Democratic view of more intervention. It once again mentions the key element that the Big Three must plan to spend the money on a good plan for the future…

12 Wall Street Journal Article (Con’t) It is generally unbiased; it simply introduces the political aspects of the argument and where the vote stands. It also covers what is likely to happen. It features a graphic showing GMs decreasing sales, profits, and stock price. Click below to read the full article and see the visual. Wall Street Journal

13 Opinions on Auto Industry Bailout This is a very interesting artifact because it is composed entirely of people’s individual opinions and support. It was started with the question ‘Should US auto companies receive $25 billion in federal aid?’. Then, members are free to add comments or comment on others posts as they choose. There is also a vote which came out to be 2/3 in favor of…

14 Opinions on Auto Industry Bailout (Con’t) the side against the bailout. So it is possible that in this article you will receive slightly more opinions of those who do not support the bailout. Click below to view the entire poll. Opinions on Bailout

15 Energy & Capital Con Article This is an extremely sided article against the bailout. It is a very useful and well-backed con opinion. It says it is unmoral and anti- capitalist to reward unprofitable businesses and the CEOs of the Big Three are only using jobs as an excuse to get support. Below it will also feature many comments. Click below to view full article. Energy & Capital Against Bailout

16 Blog Against Bailout This is a blog (again strongly sided) opposing the bailout. It sets straight what the blogger believes to be a common misrepresentation. He says Republicans do not want to see any of The Big Three go bankrupt, they just do not want to fund the failing businesses. He says there is a lot of money being wasted. This article…

17 Blog Against Bailout (Con’t) also covers the political aspect of this topic. It once again features comments from viewers. Click below to view the blog. Blog Con Bailout

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