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Taskforce 5 Energy/Cost Aware Management Control ICT COST Action IC1304 Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS)

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Presentation on theme: "Taskforce 5 Energy/Cost Aware Management Control ICT COST Action IC1304 Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Taskforce 5 Energy/Cost Aware Management Control ICT COST Action IC1304 Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS)

2 Members and Mailing List Aim Issues Meetings Short Term Scientific Missions Projects Documents 1 Contents

3 Fidel Liberal:; Denis Treck :; E. Gelenbe:; Kostantin Avrachenkov:; Barbara Pernici:; Samuli Aalto:; Pasi Lassila:; Javier Sainz: 1 Members and Mailing list:

4 The proposed target is to create a document on the TF subject that could be used to formalize the TF discussion and its results and that will be presented. It will be the basis for a formal scientific paper Additional elements: Create a forum for networking on R&D project preparation (H2020, Eureka’s..) on the subject. Promote and Follow up on STSM on the subject. 1 Objectives:

5 Rationale (i.e. Why energy and cost should be included in an Internet of Services management scenario ⇔ possible to provide composite services at different QoE, prices, energy consumption). ●Definition of the metrics and tradeoffs to deal with in the multicriteria problem. ●Definition of elements to control and optimize ●Management and decision helping Algorithms, Big Data tools, GUI’s for Network Managements Specific analysis of how to include Cost/Energy in the a priori/a posteriori articulation of preferences beyond the usual “constraints only” approach (i.e. aforementioned complex Utility function instead of Optimize U(QoE) constrained to cost < threshold, energy <threshold). A case study Linking QoE in Internet of Services and the Management Criteria that includes Energy and Cost management control. 1 Issues:

6 1 ●A case study Linking QoE in Internet of Services and the Management Criteria that includes Energy and Cost management control. ●Data Center Modelling : Idling,sleep status control, Impact of scheduling policy at servers,Impact of setup delays, Impact of information size. ●Load balance and energy and Cost management taking into account the Applications.

7 Management of Network based on: ●Operator Management ○Operator Conditions (Business Model, SLA, Network operating costs, Network dynamics SON, historical data, real time network data). ○Analysis based recommendations for operator reaction. ○Operator Process (ITIL, ANM..), Dashboard functionality ●User/application Management ○User cost/energy minimization ○User QoE reporting and statistics 1 Issues:

8 1

9 TF5 Audio Conferences: 1st Meeting : Meetings: TF5 Audio Conferences: 1st Meeting : 23 January 2015 4 participants TF KO and discussion on White Paper Draft,Objectives and TF Plan 2nd Meeting : 18 February 2015 4 participants Discussion on White Paper updated TOC, Preparation on Presentation, STSM. 3rd Meeting : 24 March 2015 4 participants Discussion on TF Road Map, Presentations in W,STSM. Planned F2F Meeting in Würzburg 16th April before MC meeting 1 Meetings:

10 STMS 1.Politecnico di Milano (Within TF8 or TF5?) 1 month,Dionysios Athanasopoulos, Greece –June 23 - July 23, 2014 –Theme: Profiling Energy Consumption of Applications using Monitoring Indicators 2.Aaalto 1 month : 1 Phd from UBC (Spain) –June 2015 –Theme: Energy Cost Management Control 1 Meeting:

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