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Accreditation Training Accreditation Manager Eric Watters Miramar Police Department.

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1 Accreditation Training Accreditation Manager Eric Watters Miramar Police Department

2 Who Are We Accredited By? Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA ® ) Initial accreditation 1996 Last on-site assessment April 2005 Next on-site assessment August 2008 Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA) Initial accreditation 1998 Last on-site assessment November 2007 Next on-site assessment November 2010

3 The History of CALEA Created in 1979 through the combined efforts of: 1.International Association of Chief’s of Police (IACP) 2.National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE) 3.National Sheriff’s Association (NSA) 4.Police Executive Research Forum (PERF) Funded through accreditation fees

4 The History of CFA In 1993, Florida Statute 943.125 directed that the Florida Sheriffs Association and the Florida Police Chiefs Association create a voluntary law enforcement accreditation program. CFA is a not-for-profit organization Day-to-day operations are run by private staff The Commission is comprised of sheriff’s, chief’s of police, representatives from local government, and the judiciary.

5 CALEA Standards The standards cover (in-part): L.E. Role, Responsibilities & Relationships Organization, Management, & Administration The Personnel Structure The Personnel Process Law Enforcement Operations Operations Support Traffic Operations Auxiliary & Technical Services

6 CFA Standards The standards cover (in-part): Authority Training Selection Civilian Promotion Performance Evaluations Patrol Investigations Traffic and Direction Control Auxiliary Members

7 Benefits for the Agency Greater accountability within the agency Reduced risk and liability exposure Stronger defense against civil lawsuits Assessment of agency readiness and status Process for identifying redundancies Solicits staunch support from government officials Increased community advocacy

8 Benefits for Agency Members Clearly defined lines of authority Consistency in operational procedures “Best Practice” standards in public service Ongoing awareness of advancements in the profession Defense against litigation

9 The Accreditation Process Voluntary Standards offer guidance, not mandates Must be reaccredited every three years Proof of compliance with the standards is determined by an assessment team which conducts an on-site review of the agency's policies, procedures, and practices Assessors are all trained law enforcement practitioners

10 Compliance Requirements CALEA 459 total standards 111 Other than mandatory standards Must show compliance with 80% 348 Mandatory standards Must show compliance with 100% Except Not applicable standards By function or by size

11 Compliance Requirements (cont’d) CFA 81 Comparative Compliance standards 29 Other than mandatory standards Must comply with 80% 52 Mandatory standards Must show 100% compliance Except Not Applicable standards

12 How Do We Prove Compliance? Written documentation Reports Memoranda Analyses and audits Publications Training materials and files, etc. Interviews Agency and non-agency personnel Public Hearing and call-in sessions, etc. Observations Photographs Ride alongs Static displays and tours Roll call attendance, etc.

13 On-site Assessment CALEA Three days Three Assessors All from out-of-state CFA One day Two Assessors From other regions in the state

14 On-site Assessment Schedule Entrance interview With Chief, Command Staff, and anyone else the Chief wants File Review Phone in session Staff interviews Community meeting Exit interview All personnel are invited to attend

15 Important things to Remember About the On-site Assessors will choose random people to do ride- alongs with and random times in which to do them They have been known to request ride-alongs the night before the assessment is scheduled to begin The Assessors will wander the halls and out-lying facilities, and may come to your area to inspect it or look for additional information Keep yourself, your office, and your vehicles clean and organized Be prepared to answer questions and give additional “paper” proofs (e.g., access to files) Remember, I don’t know is an acceptable answer, but find out the answer and get back to them with it or direct them to who would have the answer

16 Accreditation Training Questions???

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