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Op-Ed Page Honors English III Rubric

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1 Op-Ed Page Honors English III Rubric
Name __________________________ Grade ___________________ Exemplary Proficient Emerging Not Evident Ideas Explicitly represents multiple and varied editorial perspectives. Each piece is extremely persuasive and demonstrates a thorough understanding of persuasive techniques. Represents various perspectives that are implied throughout the work as a whole. The majority of the pieces demonstrate a clear intention to persuade and an adequate understanding of persuasive techniques. Represents a limited range of perspectives. Few pieces demonstrate an intention to persuade. Some of the pieces may be descriptive/expository rather than persuasive. No range of perspectives. No evidence of persuasive techniques. Pieces are descriptive/expository instead of persuasive. Evidence of Research There is evidence of thorough and original research throughout. Each piece demonstrates appropriate and ample evidence to support the thesis. Research has obviously been conducted to support the positions. The majority of the pieces demonstrate sufficient evidence supporting the thesis. Adequate research is not demonstrated. The majority of the pieces demonstrate insufficient evidence to adequately support the thesis. Opinions remain largely unsupported. No research was demonstrated. No evidence was used to support thesis. Opinions unsupported. Use of Language The pieces demonstrate purposeful use of rhetoric designed to appeal to the target audience. No errors in grammar or conventions are present. The pieces demonstrate functional use of rhetoric but may not directly appeal to the target audience. Errors in grammar and conventions, if present, are minor and do not interfere with understanding. The pieces inconsistently demonstrate functional use of rhetoric. Errors in grammar and conventions interfere with the meaning. The pieces do not demonstrate functional use of rhetoric. Errors in grammar and conventions seriously interfere with the meaning. Organization The layout and design reflect thoughtful planning. Overall organization is enriching to the ideas and purpose and is visually appealing. The layout and design are appropriate for the project’s purpose. Overall organization adequately communicates ideas and purpose. The layout and design do not enhance the project and reflect little advanced thought or planning. Overall organization detracts from ideas and purpose. No planning for layout and design is evident. No organization to page. Preparation Student thoroughly completed his/her assigned worked. Work was balanced and fair. Student somewhat completed his/her assigned work. Work was balanced and fair. Student somewhat completed his/her assigned work. Work was not balanced and fair. Student did not complete his/her assigned work. Work was not balanced and fair. Comments

2 Op-Ed Page Honors English III Rubric
Name __________________________ Grade ___________________ Exemplary Proficient Emerging Not Evident Ideas Explicitly represents multiple and varied editorial perspectives. Each piece is extremely persuasive and demonstrates a thorough understanding of persuasive techniques. Represents various perspectives that are implied throughout the work as a whole. The majority of the pieces demonstrate a clear intention to persuade and an adequate understanding of persuasive techniques. Represents a limited range of perspectives. Few pieces demonstrate an intention to persuade. Some of the pieces may be descriptive/expository rather than persuasive. No range of perspectives. No evidence of persuasive techniques. Pieces are descriptive/expository instead of persuasive. Evidence of Research There is evidence of thorough and original research throughout. Each piece demonstrates appropriate and ample evidence to support the thesis. Research has obviously been conducted to support the positions. The majority of the pieces demonstrate sufficient evidence supporting the thesis. Adequate research is not demonstrated. The majority of the pieces demonstrate insufficient evidence to adequately support the thesis. Opinions remain largely unsupported. No research was demonstrated. No evidence was used to support thesis. Opinions unsupported. Use of Language The pieces demonstrate purposeful use of rhetoric designed to appeal to the target audience. No errors in grammar or conventions are present. The pieces demonstrate functional use of rhetoric but may not directly appeal to the target audience. Errors in grammar and conventions, if present, are minor and do not interfere with understanding. The pieces inconsistently demonstrate functional use of rhetoric. Errors in grammar and conventions interfere with the meaning. The pieces do not demonstrate functional use of rhetoric. Errors in grammar and conventions seriously interfere with the meaning. Organization The layout and design reflect thoughtful planning. Overall organization is enriching to the ideas and purpose and is visually appealing. The layout and design are appropriate for the project’s purpose. Overall organization adequately communicates ideas and purpose. The layout and design do not enhance the project and reflect little advanced thought or planning. Overall organization detracts from ideas and purpose. No planning for layout and design is evident. No organization to page. Preparation Student thoroughly completed his/her assigned worked. Work was balanced and fair. Student somewhat completed his/her assigned work. Work was balanced and fair. Student somewhat completed his/her assigned work. Work was not balanced and fair. Student did not complete his/her assigned work. Work was not balanced and fair. Comments

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