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EIDE Architecture Overview WECC DEWG. Soap Methods  EIDE provides a “Put” method for data –Sender transfers schedule data, meter data, text message,

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Presentation on theme: "EIDE Architecture Overview WECC DEWG. Soap Methods  EIDE provides a “Put” method for data –Sender transfers schedule data, meter data, text message,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EIDE Architecture Overview WECC DEWG

2 Soap Methods  EIDE provides a “Put” method for data –Sender transfers schedule data, meter data, text message, power system data, etc. to receiver  EIDE provides a “Get” method for data –Sender requests data from the receiver  The protocol can be used for both synchronous and asynchronous transfers

3 Transfer Methods  EIDE documents can be transported like any text file  http, https, e-mail, ftp, read/write, standard copy, etc.  http/https provide the highest functionality and will be discussed today  Transport can be mixed, http then ftp for example

4 Communications Pattern  HTTP/S transport employs send/reply pattern  EIDE Schema reflects this pattern  The send/reply use the same session and are synchronous  Sender send method awaits a reply or time out

5 Anatomy of a “Put”

6 Put  Event triggers xfer  Process retrieves data from database, file, method, other  Appropriate objects created and populated  Objects are translated to valid document  Soap wrapper is applied to document  Document is sent to receiver

7 Put

8  Receiver evaluates document and sends reply in same http session  Receiver examines soap method and dispatches to appropriate receiver and method  EIDE document is validated against schema and converted to appropriate objects

9 Put

10  Receiver maps data to local structures for their EMS or scheduling system and stores data  Can also write to csv file for import or transfer  Can invoke storage methods  Optionally, entire EIDE document can be stored in a database

11 Put with RequireAck set to TRUE  Sender may have requested an “ack”  Receiver replies with appropriate code  Codes are enumerated in schema so receiver can code what to send and sender knows how to handle response  Ack can be either sync or async

12 Put with Ack

13 Put Methods  EIDE schema put methods  Questions on Put?

14 Anatomy of a “Get”

15 Get  Event triggers Get  Process creates Get objects and populates them  XML Object is constructed  Object is translated to valid document  Soap wrapper is applied to document  Document is sent to receiver

16 Anatomy of a “Get”

17 Get  Receiver evaluates document and sends reply in same http session  Receiver could examines soap method and dispatch to appropriate method, then generate either a synchronous immediate response, or a simple reply  Requestor can specify async reply  If asynchronous reply is being sent, then receiver becomes the sender and sends requested data.

18 Get  Similar to a “Put”, a replier could set the require ack flag, however this has no meaning within the schema and should be ignored by receiver  Let’s look at the schema  Questions on “Get” methods?

19 Break!  Woo hoo!  Oh, oh right, any one want to keep us here with a question?

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