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Class of 2018 Registration for Junior Classes Independence High School Home of the Knights.

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Presentation on theme: "Class of 2018 Registration for Junior Classes Independence High School Home of the Knights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class of 2018 Registration for Junior Classes Independence High School Home of the Knights

2 Sophomores, registration for next year’s classes will be beginning soon! The IHS counselors will be meeting with you February 8 th - 11 th. Here is some information for you in order to prepare!

3 Academic & Course Catalog Academic & Course Catalog The Academic & Course Catalogs are online! You can find the complete 2016-17 Academic Guide and Course Catalog online on the Frisco ISD website at:

4 How Many Credits are Required to Graduate? A student needs 26 credits in order to graduate. A half-credit is earned each semester for each class passed with a 70 or above average. Next year, as a junior, you must take a minimum of 6 classes (most juniors still decide to take 8).

5 Graduation Plans- What Credits are required to graduate SubjectCreditsRequired Courses English4English 1, 2, 3, 4 Math4Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II, 4 th math Science4Biology, Chemistry, Physics, 4 th science OR Biology, IPC, Chemistry, Physics Social Studies4World Geo, World History, U.S. History, Government & Economics Foreign Language2Spanish, French, Chinese, ASL* 1 & 2 P.E.1P.E., Athletics/Training, Fall Band, Fall Color Guard, Drill Team, Cheer, Dance (not an option for athletes) Health.5Health, Health Science (Pre-req: Medical Terminology) Speech.5Professional Communications Fine Arts1Art, Theater Arts, Choir, Band, Dance, Orchestra, DGA, Elements of Floral Design (grade 10+) Technology1BIM, Digital Interactive Media, DGA, Computer Science, Web Technologies, Computer Maintenance, Yearbook, Video Technology, Broadcast, IED, + possible additions Electives (Endorsements) 4 Total26 *ASL does not meet all college admissions requirements. **Chinese is online and ASL may be online. Sophomores PLEASE REVIEW:

6 What is an Elective? Any course taken that is not on the required list of classes, is an elective. This includes extra math, science, technology, etc. courses.

7 Arts & Humanities Political Science, World Languages, Cultural Studies, Literature, History, Fine Arts Business & Industry Information Technology, Finance, Architecture, Ag Science Sophomores must also earn an Endorsement during high school (by taking classes in one (or more) of these areas:

8 All IHS students will earn a Multi-Disciplinary endorsement by taking the 4 core classes each year. Additional endorsements will be earned simply by the classes you take in high school. Public Services Doctor, Nurse, Criminal Investigator, Law Clerk, Teacher, Athletic Trainer STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics Endorsements continued

9 What’s Different About AP Courses? AP courses provide COLLEGE-LEVEL curriculum. Requires more independent work outside of class Take the same 3-hour AP exam at the same specified time in May as other students across the nation AP Exam scores range from 1 - 5 Students scoring a 3, 4, or 5 may be eligible for college credit

10 Should I Sign Up for On-Level or Pre-AP/AP in a Subject? Pre-AP/AP provides additional weight points and colleges like to see these on your transcript if you do well. Consult with your teachers in that subject area; they know your abilities and study habits best. Talk with your counselor and your parents. Pre-AP/AP schedule changes only allowed after first six-weeks grading cycle and at semester.

11 New for 2016-17 AP CAPSTONE Program AP Capstone is a two year sequence of courses- AP Seminar and AP Research. AP Seminar will be offered in 2016-17 for any 10 th -12 th grader. AP Seminar focuses on college-level analysis, writing, and research skills. This class will count as an additional Social Studies credit. For more information, make plans to attend the AP Capstone information night on: January 20 th at 6:00 pm in the IHS auditorium

12 Class Rank Class Rank is used for College Admission purposes Rank is computed by Grade Point Average Junior rank determines college admissions Pre-AP, AP and college courses receive additional grade points No points earned for failed classes Refer to the Academic Guide for GPA guidelines Class rank will be posted for 10 th graders to Family Connection in mid-February—make sure that your email address is current in Family Connection

13 Rank in Class Policy Rank in class, honor graduate status, valedictorian and salutatorian determination shall be based on a weighted grade point average (GPA) system. Grades will be weighted according to the level of the course. AP/PAPDual Credit RegularGrade Point 951005.5 94995.4 93985.3 92975.2 91965.1 90951005.0 8994994.9 8893984.8 8792974.7 8691964.6 8590954.5 8489944.4

14 A Rank Example A Rank Example (Use Your Semester Grades to calculate) On-level English – 89 = 3.9 grade points Pre-AP W. Geog – 88 = 4.8 grade points Algebra 1 – 68 = 0 grade points On-level Biology – 79 = 2.9 grade points Add the grade points: 3.9 + 4.8 + 0 + 2.9 = 11.6 Divide 11.6 by 4 = 2.9 GPA

15 What Counts in College Admissions? Source: NACAC Admission Trends Survey 2011

16 Top 10% Rule Class Rank and GPA are used to determine if you are in the “Top 10%” of your class. Students who are in the top 10% of their class (end of junior year) are automatically accepted into Texas public colleges. (UT Austin is now top 8%)

17 Promotion to 11 th Grade To become a junior, you must have earned at least 12 total credits before the beginning of next year!

18 Plan Carefully Some classes have prerequisites. Consult the course catalog and plan your schedule carefully. Example of a prerequisite: You must take Medical Terminology before you can take Health Science I. Pay attention to what you must first take in order to get to your ultimate goal. This is very important for CTE classes!

19 Programs Needing Applications or Teacher Approval at IHS: Teacher Approval or Audition: Band Orchestra Choir Athletics Off Campus PE – Contact Sally Turner at district Applications: Music Theory Athletic Trainer Broadcast 2 & 3 Yearbook 2 & 3 Partner’s P E Teen Leadership 2 ISM **All applications can be picked up in the counseling office starting February 1st!

20 CTE Courses that require an online application: Marketing Dynamics Practicum in Marketing Dynamics Practicum in Veterinary Medical Applications Advanced Practicum in Veterinary Medical Applications Instructional Practice in Health Science Technology - Clinical & Nursing Home Rotations (HST 2) Practicum in Health Science Technology - Specialized Rotation (HST 3) Practicum in Health Science Technology - Pharmacology Practicum in Educational Practice Advanced Practicum in Educational Practice Child Guidance & Management Practicum in Child Guidance & Management Culinary Arts Practicum in Culinary Arts Sports Management Practicum in Law Enforcement (This Practicum course is no longer available) Practicum in Local Government Practicum in Graphic Design & Illustration Practicum in Architectural Design ***Online application is on the CTE Center’s website! **The deadline for the completed application is Sunday, February 21st ** Incomplete and late applications will not be accepted

21 Special Programs Marketing Dynamics is a course that gives you credit for having a job. If you are employed, or will be in the fall, you might qualify for this class. A certain number of hours a week worked is required. (Requires online CTE application submitted). Practicum in Educational Practice allows students the chance to work in a school setting. You plan and teach lessons at your assigned school, much like a student teacher. (Online application and interview required. Must have taken Survey of Ed. and Child Dev.)

22 Special Programs Child Guidance & Mgmt allows you the chance to work with infants and toddlers at the FISD daycare center. (Online application required. Must haven taken Survey of Ed. and Child Dev.) Inst Practice in Health Science (2 and beyond) is designed for students interested in nursing or the medical field. (Online application and interview required. Must have completed Health Science 1)

23 Special Programs Independent Study & Mentorship (ISM) ISM is a research-based course that gives students the opportunity to research a career field and create an original product under the guidance of a mentor in that field. Student projects include all areas, including fine arts, science, math, finance, business, law, education, medicine, etc. Students must apply and interview to be accepted for this course. Applications will be available in the counseling office starting Feb. 1 st.

24 Interested in Student Congress? Do not sign up for Student Congress on your course verification sheet (when you meet with the counselors in February). There will be an application process later in April for next year’s Student Congress!

25 Late Arrival/Early Release You can sign up for early release if you are in good-standing and have enough credits. May not be looked upon favorably by colleges. No rank points or credit earned. Must be off campus during scheduled time for late arrival or early release. Therefore, must have transportation.

26 Aide Positions Do not sign up for teacher aide or office aide during course selection…you may request this at schedule pick-up or during the first two weeks of school. Office Aide and Teacher Aide positions are limited. May not be looked upon favorably by colleges. No rank points or credit earned.

27 Early Graduation Please visit with your counselor in order to determine if you are eligible to graduate early!

28 Schedule Changes No elective changes, including alternates, will be made after April 15, 2016. Only approved program changes (in or out of athletics, band, etc.) can be made the first two weeks of the new semester. PAP and AP students must complete the first six-weeks grade cycle before a change to on-level will be considered.

29 Thinking of Summer School??? The following courses are typically offered in summer school for advancement: Business Information Mgmt (1 credit) Digital & Interactive Media (1 credit) Health (.5 credit) Professional Communications (.5 credit) Medical Terminology (.5 credit) IPC (Integrated Physics & Chemistry) (1 credit) Summer school registration information is available on the FISD website in late April. **Can take up to 1 full credit in summer school. Summer school grades do NOT count into GPA.**

30 Career Planner in HAC Want to update your courses before you meet with your counselor in February? Starting January 15 th, IHS students can update courses in Home Access under the “Class” icon by selecting the “Career Planner” tab.

31 Career Planner in HAC This is an assignment you will complete on your own, if you choose. Login to Home Access and modify your 4-year plan to reflect your new courses for the upcoming year(s). This online function will close January 24 th. The counselors will meet with you in February to review your selections and make any needed changes.

32 Dates to Remember Jan. 15 th -24 th - Career Planner turned on in HAC for students to update 4 year plan if they choose to February 8 th -11th – Counselors will meet individually with all sophomores February 18 th - all course verification forms due back to the IHS counseling office ***If you do not turn in your course verification sheet, we will choose classes for you. ***Complete the alternate classes or we choose those for you! Alternates that end up on your schedule next year cannot be changed!

33 IHS Counselors  Heather Holmes (A-B)   Rosalyn Greer (C – J)   Katie Puente (K-Q)   Jason Wooden (R-Z)  We look forward to seeing you in a few weeks for registration!

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